I have been on Comcast with a TiVo for years.
Honestly haven't turned on Directv in over a year
Claude do you have a 4K TV? I ask because I do and TiVo not supporting how comcast is dealing with 4k content is a problem. Tivo has told me they have no plans to support IPTV from comcast,and comcast says that any new channels and 4K content will only be done via IPTV, not QAM.
I do love my roamio pro and still have it but recently added a XG1V4 to be able to access these sporting events available in 4K. Yes,some games are available in the fox sports app on roku but there are still issues with HDR on that app. So this and the fact that comcast's plan is to eventually get away from QAM leaves us tivo users in the dark. On the XG1V4, while there are some things I like that it does well, most of it is inferior to my roamio pro. Simple things like infinite guide scrolling that the X1 platform doesn't do. I am starting to consider maybe coming back to satellite even though I've been happy with comcast but I don't see this ever getting resolved as tivo and comcast continue to fight.