Thinking about DISH? I'd Think again.


New Member
Original poster
Nov 28, 2011
West central PA
This is Going to be Winded. You your thinking of DISh or even if you have DISH. You should read this.

First off, Ill say I've been a DISH network customer for almost 8 yrs. Ive paid my bill on-time every one of those months. And yet the horror story Im dealing with right now makes me want to let everyone know just how terrible they are.

I've recently upgraded to HD. Before this, no problems, because I had no contact with customer service. Now that I have had contact, they Lied directly to me, then lied about lying, several times. They attemtped to mislead and confuse me to get the results that they wanted. They blame others for problems that they, as the service provider, should be responsible for. They've stolen money from me. Yes, I said stolen. These are Bold statements, I understand. Allow me to explain.

During my first call regarding my upgrade. I was told my DVR service fee of $6/mo. would be waived. I questioned this (along with the rest of the deal(free HD for life, 1 yr. free Blockbuster Movie pass). The girl on the phone had to bring a supervisor in for help setting up the upgrade. So when I asked her a question she would relay it. One of my questions was " So my bill will actually be $6/mo. cheaper after my DVR fee is waived?" After consulting with her supervisor (which I could hear) she clearly responded "yes, sir" several times.

After getting my first bill, the DVR fee had not been waived. I called Customer Service. I then find out that waiving a DVR fee isnt even an option for them. Or so the rep says. I ask to speak with a supervisor, who begins talking to me like Im stupid,asif she cant be bothered, tells me "Im very sorry, but obviously you misunderstood." Actually, at this point I did just start understanding what was really going on but regarding the initial phone call, there was NO miscommunication. I told her I wanted to speak with her superior. She had two, both of whom were conviently on vacation and I could not speak with or have their phone numbers. I could only call back. She gave me her two superiors names, Mark and James. Her name was Darla. I found out on a follow up call... None of them exist. I also questioned the recording of the phone calls for "quality purposes" She informed me they dont ever record any calls so I could look for no validation there. So basically... I'm Burnt.

THEN. I was told I would recieve credits on my account for loss of service and already being billed for Blockbuster which I shouldnt have been. This was FOUR-4 billing cycles ago. After 5 web chats with cust. serv. and 5 phone calls to support and I have yet to recieve a single credit. EVERY time I call I have to repeat why I should in fact even recieve a credit in the first place and then wait for the rep to decide if he agrees? They Usually say well I can only give you $XX.XX in credits at this time OR He agrees but noone EVER actually applies the credit. What kind of system is that? Basically, Im burnt.

THEN, still to this day my Blockbuster Movie pass DOES NOT work properly. I have yet to stream a single thing. So after I get off with customer service I have to speak to someone else in Tech support. Who does the same things. I have to repeat everything again. Try all the same troubleshooting steps as if I can spend my days working for DISH network without getting paid. The last person I spoke with says I need to contact the company that made the switch for my internet connection to see how to enable "UPnP". Mind you, this device was given to me AND installed by the DISH installer. So basically, Im being charged for it regardless. BUT if I want it to work as it should, I have to figure it out for myself.

When this is all said and done. They will have paid the customer service repsmore to be decietful than just helping me and being honest from the beginning.
I am pretty pissed. I've been made out to be a fool from a company that I've given almost perfect business to for almost a decade.
This was NOT an independent dealer. I called DISH customer support directly.
And yeah, I've posted it at more than 2 sites as well.
It is beyond my comprehension that they would ever offer to waive a DVR fee. I can not recall that ever being done. Offer credits, yes, that is common.
I understand the frustration of dealing with someone such as this situation. You ask for a supervisor and they are no better at repairing the situation. This happened to me this week. My last words on chat was "After 12 years to be treated like this. Then I remembered the Dirt team. I contacted MattG@dish and within probably 20 min from my first message to him he had everything corrected. I am truly thankfull they are here.
I've had enough dealings with Dish customer service over the years to find everything sicko says to be totally believable. I would imagine many here could relay similar horror stories. The one specific irritant I can identify with is whenever you are passed up the line to talk to anyone you have to go through your entire diatribe again and preform all the quick fixes that you've already done for the original rep plus you've probably done it yourself before you even called. I always tell potential new sat. customers in my area to go through a independent dealer, get in writing what he says your going to get and if problems come up, let him deal with it. One independent I use has relayed stories that make sicko's problems sound like a nice experience. The DIRT team is great but you have to ask yourself, if they can take care of a problem in 20 minutes, who are they talking to that we aren't, and maybe the DIRT team should train the customer service reps, or at least they're supervisors.
Maybe the dirt team has more power and if they do not produce results then they know how people on the message boards can be lol.
I totally feel sicko's pain. A long time ago (long before DIRT) my mother had problems with an old 322 receiver. TV2 just would not work at all. This was a new installation. They made her go through all the scripted tests, only to get nowhere fast. Out of 6 calls, only one was even remotely helpful, and that was after she yelled at the top of her lungs to them that she needs a replacement receiver. THEN, they had the nerve to say that she would need to pay for the replacement. Well this was before her 60-day initial period, which means that in fact no she doesn't. Long story short, she yelled some more, they finally sent out a tech and they replaced it.

Then, not too long after that, her remotes kept eating batteries constantly, it was ridiculous. Again, customer service wasted her time, had to make many phone calls, they kept telling her to reset the receiver/unplug etc. ... Of course, that didn't help!!! So again, she had to yell at them, to SEND SOME REPLACEMENT REMOTES. FINALLY, they did. Guess what? The new ones were doing the same thing. Guess what? Here we go again!! Long story short, more yelling, and finally after the second set of replacement remotes, she finally got some that don't eat the batteries every 2 weeks.

If it weren't for DIRT, I would have to say that DISH possibly has the worst customer service I've ever experienced, except for AT&T. Then again, that seems to be standard for most large companies these days, to have absolutely abysmal customer service. Lucky for DISH, I still like their services enough to put up with their trash, and now that DIRT is here, things are a LOT better! I just wish that everyone could get the kind of CS that DIRT provides! I can't help but think of all the people that don't know about DIRT...
I tell people to always go through Dish directly, this sounds like independent dealer wanting to make a sale.

And there's the problem. :rolleyes:

Local retailer would not lie.
They are subject to charge back. Plus you know where they live.

Order from an 800 number at your peril!
It is beyond my comprehension that they would ever offer to waive a DVR fee. I can not recall that ever being done. Offer credits, yes, that is common.

Perhaps the OP had only 50x series DVRs and he actually should be getting another year (?) of credits.
I tell people to always go through Dish directly, this sounds like independent dealer wanting to make a sale.

I was just thinking that they should go through a local dealer so they deal with somebody who knows what they're doing instead of playing CSR roulette.

Eastern Arc

A few n00b DVR questions.

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