Thinking about adding c-band... possibly.

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I actually spotted 10ish on the way up here!
All solids except for one lone mesh one. And they were all different lookin.
Button hooks, tri support arms, quad support arms, some that had mounts coming out of the dish itself.
I was kinda amazed at all the different ones...
Gonna see if I can get my grandpa to stop through for me and get one or two ;) don't have a truck myself.
Well, on the rule of thumb scale....
- button hook would be lower priority (probably need guy wires to stabilize it [but not a deal killer])
- old style laid up or blown fiberglass would be bottom of the barrel (heavy, old, maybe warped)
- molded thermo resin fiberglas reinforced commercial dish like Channel Master, top of the line (molded ribs on the back like a Primestar)
- perforated panels are better than mesh, solid usually best
- spun aluminum can be solid or perforated (punched), and are often very high quality
- small holes better than large (so you can do Ku)
- three or four (or six on the Birdview) LNB support arms doesn't usually mean much

I'm sure someone will argue with one of these suggestions, or provide others.
It's just a list of some common points.
But for best shopping results, get us pictures (front 'n rear), sizes, and as much other info as possible and we'll help you find the best three to go for.
Sometimes if you don't have the tools or experience, one up over a house, might be a deal breaker, regardless.
Other times, a free-standing BUD at 10' might be great, 'cause you cut the pole at ground level, and have plenty left to take home and bury!

Extra points if you find one on a rare H-H motor! ;)
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do you or anyone else have some example pictures of all those different types? maybe it could be made into a "What to look for when scavenging for a BUD" sticky post
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