We have been dealing with this issue for many weeks now, it affects all receivers designed to work with the tailgater.
During the satellite acquisition stage, the receiver will get stuck on 3 of 3 for 211 receivers or the 3rd part of the progress bar on Wally's. It is looking for 129, which of course doesn't exist anymore.
It sees "something" from the satellite that used to be "Dish 129", and tries to lock on, but it can't and it will keep trying all day.
What you have to do is stand in front of the dish, blocking the signal entirely, when it is at the 3 of 3 stage. It will take about 30 seconds for the dish to stop moving, and another 30 seconds before the screen changes. Then you move away form the dish and select "View TV", and everything will progress as it should.
This problem is not affecting every unit even if they all have current software, which makes no sense. Sometimes, just rotating the dish a good 10-20 degrees, so that it has to search from scratch will do it, but in my experience, that doesn't work often.
Every time you unplug the receiver, or move the dish (etc.), you will have to go through this. Until Dish gets around to updating the software to stop looking for 129. (Hey Dish, you want to get on this?!).
It is easiest with 2 people, so one person can tell you when the screen changes. You can use something like a piece of plywood to block the signal, just make sure not to bump the dish enough to move it. Cardboard is not enough to block the signal.
I hope this helps
During the satellite acquisition stage, the receiver will get stuck on 3 of 3 for 211 receivers or the 3rd part of the progress bar on Wally's. It is looking for 129, which of course doesn't exist anymore.
It sees "something" from the satellite that used to be "Dish 129", and tries to lock on, but it can't and it will keep trying all day.
What you have to do is stand in front of the dish, blocking the signal entirely, when it is at the 3 of 3 stage. It will take about 30 seconds for the dish to stop moving, and another 30 seconds before the screen changes. Then you move away form the dish and select "View TV", and everything will progress as it should.
This problem is not affecting every unit even if they all have current software, which makes no sense. Sometimes, just rotating the dish a good 10-20 degrees, so that it has to search from scratch will do it, but in my experience, that doesn't work often.
Every time you unplug the receiver, or move the dish (etc.), you will have to go through this. Until Dish gets around to updating the software to stop looking for 129. (Hey Dish, you want to get on this?!).
It is easiest with 2 people, so one person can tell you when the screen changes. You can use something like a piece of plywood to block the signal, just make sure not to bump the dish enough to move it. Cardboard is not enough to block the signal.
I hope this helps