The Walking Dead on AMC

I think the CDC guy said minutes to several hours--Amy took all night. Jim wasn't dead, but sick with a bite. They left him tied to a tree. He would have died, then turned.
So anywhere from a few minutes and several hours. Okay,then they were taking a chance that all the guys that they slit their throats, were going to turn then. Unless like Derwin said that a bop to the head prevents the zombie transformation. I still wonder about that idea though. Now if they spiked them in the back of the head with the bat with a spike attached, then yes, I could see that as a way to prevent the zombie virus from activating and killing the human at the same time by sticking them in the brains.
Really no difference between a spike into the brain, and a big smack to the back of the brain stem with a baseball bat. Both cause death by damaging the brain.
REALLY? A bop on the head prevents the brain from transforming. Where did you get that idea from? Did they mention that somewhere and I missed it? Or are you just suggesting that ?

What else would be the purpose of hitting them in the back of the head? They're already tied up so they can slit their throats anyway.
I watched the latest episode last night and I thought it was pretty good. I'm really looking forward to this week's episode as I think it's going to tie in part of the comics along with finding more out about one of the missing people from their group.
If I'm not mistaken, this is the same method used when slaughtering animals (cattle, pig, etc) - they stun them, then slit their throat.

That's true. I did actually think of that as a possibility. It would make less of a mess if the person is unconscious.
Really no difference between a spike into the brain, and a big smack to the back of the brain stem with a baseball bat. Both cause death by damaging the brain.
I dont think so. We have seen them hit in the head before with blunt force and it usually takes more than that. The brain seems to require being pierced.
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Hitting them on the head doesn't stop them from turning. Gareth clearly said "let them turn", referring to the 3 or 4 that were hit/slashed over the trough.
I dont think so. We have seen them hit in the head before with blunt force and it usually takes more than that. The brain seems to require being pierced.
I think you are right. That is why the idea of just bopping them in the head doesn't sound right to me. I've never seen the cast on the show simply hit them with a bat unless when they did , it smashed open the back of their head and the brains were splattered.
Looking at the episode again, it wasn't just a "bop" to the head. It looked like a calculated hit with all the guy's strength to the brain stem. Going back and looking at season 1 ep in the CDC where we see the fMRI of the guy's wife changing, that is the part of the brain that reactivates.

Just my opinion.
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Well if that bop on the head disengages the brain stem from the rest of the body ,then it would be the same as cutting off their heads. The virus wouldn't be able to activate once the body dies. I guess it would of been cooler if they would explained that detail while they were getting ready to do the deed at the trough. Gareth loves explaining his motivations ,this would of been the perfect time to do so and it would of added to the whole efficiency of the act and to the total creepiness of the scene.
Looking at the episode again, it wasn't just a "bop" to the head. It looked like a calculated hit with all the guy's strength to the brain stem.
That's very plausible. He was no doubt swinging the bat pretty hard and if he got their head/skull vs the base of the skull, he would have shattered their skull. That clearly didn't happen.

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I guess it would of been cooler if they would explained that detail while they were getting ready to do the deed at the trough.

I have to look at that scene again. But I seem to remember one of the boss telling the guy with the bat to be more accurate (or less sloppy or something like that) and to be more efficient because they didn't want a repeat of what happened last time. It was almost a throw-away moment. I could be imagining it.
I have to look at that scene again. But I seem to remember one of the boss telling the guy with the bat to be more accurate (or less sloppy or something like that) and to be more efficient because they didn't want a repeat of what happened last time. It was almost a throw-away moment. I could be imagining it.
Yes ,watch it again and tell me if they do allude to it . I don't have it anymore since that was two weeks ago.
Yes ,watch it again and tell me if they do allude to it . I don't have it anymore since that was two weeks ago.
Okay, just looked at the scene again.
I know it's a three episodes ago, but giving anyone who hasn't seen it yet a SPOILER ALERT. I am going to detail a scene from early in the first episode of season 5


After Rick and gains consciousness as he is being dragged to the trough, he sees a person being butchered. One person is butchering the body on the table, the other is using some sort of cleanser/bleach/liquid substance in Clorox type bottle and pouring the liquid over the stump of the amputation and on the blood on the floor. There are several other bottles of the substance on the floor next to him under the cutting table.

Rick and the other 7 people (8 total) are lined up at the trough. Guy is warming up with the bat and other guy is sharpening the blade.
Guy with the bat is very precise in hitting the first three victims square at the base of the scull (well above the neck, but below the back of the head and in an upward motion as if to go through the eyes. The guy with the blade then slits the throat of each of the first three.

The head guy comes in doing an audit of the shells used. As they are discussing the shells they take are of the 4th person at the trough. They get ready to do Glenn when the auditor guy stops them to talk seriously about whatever (unimportant to this point).

The auditor guy and rick have a conversation about the bag of ordnance Rick hid. When they get done with the conversation, the auditor guy says to the two killing the people at the trough: "You have two hours to get them in the dryers and then we go to public face. Now's the time we can get messy, but we need to dial it all in by sundown."


I guess what I remember is "You have two hours to get them in the dryers." but the context of that seems to be more of cleaning up for public face rather than zombie prevention. Could be both. But I still think a thwack that bad with that 36" aluminum softball bat to that spot of the head is enough to kill the brain stem.
Okay. I 'll take that explanation then. I just wanted some consistency to the zombie mythology. But if you think about it , my system would be much less work . They are going to have to remove the head anyway, before they slice up the bodies for meat. So one good slice across the necks with a good samuri blade and swoosh............ They do this for chickens today. We still have the blood drain out in the trough from the headless bodies and the rest of the body is ready for cutting into steaks,:hungry Boston butt roast, :hungryor even Hot dogs. :nana

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