The Walking Dead on AMC

Any one of these episodes by itself is not bad, they are simply character development episodes. The problem of course is that they are doing them one right after the other. If they had other stuff and mixed in a few of these I do not think people would complain.
I think the point is that a zombie show contained in a movie or mini series can stay fast , relevant , scary and then a conclusion, either good or bad . This show is stuck in the survival stage and hasn't had any hint of a possible happy ending , till lately. If they can make it to Terminus and the survivor camp , they might have that happy ending.

Like in World War Z , they started with the crazy apocalypse , then they led to a survivor camp. A possible happy ending for the people in the movie. Of course there will be sequels , so we know there is no happy ending yet. But this show could delve into the scientific and give us some more details of interest to make it more interesting while they are in the survivor stage. They could of come across that scientist in the first part of the series in the CDC and he could explained more about what the government knew. IF there was still any government left. What about the world as a whole? Like what causes the zombies to eat people . IS it a rage virus like in 28 days later? What happens to the flesh and guts that the zombies eat? Does it digest in the undead bodies? IF so what happened to Carl's momma when her dead body was consumed whole after Judith's birth ? How long does a zombie last before all the flesh rots off their skeleton? Will they eventually all die out and the humans can take over the earth again? These questions would give the characters & the audience, some hope for the future. Without hope the characters should end up so depressed that they give up and commit suicide and or so crazy that they are no longer even human any more.

This show needs to address some of the bigger picture questions are the audience will die off through the boredom of seeing the same crap perpetually over and over and over again. The very definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different outcome. This show and we the audience are stuck in this very insane cycle. The question is will we, the audience drop off first or will the writers get smart and flesh out the mythology of the zombies like I have already suggested, in order to keep us on this other wise very redundant ,boring , journey?
Best episode of the batch of character background stories, and the probably the only one I actually enjoyed; very interesting with several surprises and human drama. Here are my thoughts while sitting through he story:

  • Lizzie needs to die...well, at least until she picked-up a gun and started to kill walkers...then, especially after she killed Mica
  • I thought Carol was going to tell Tyrese her big secret...what happens when she eventually tell him? Always deny! (Lol)
  • Yikes! Glad to see Lizzie exit stage left since she was too twisted to live among others; a Twisted Sister (pun intended) so to speak, and a real freak, Super Freak (Okay, I'll stop now)
  • Tyrese forgives Carol when she admit killing Karen and David. Very tense and interesting. I thought he was going to put a round in her gord after forgiving her when she least expected it
  • We discover that Lizzie was feeding the rats, like we all suspected
My daughter is convinced that I have access to spoilers or something because not long into the episode, I said "we still don't know who was feeding the walkers through the fence" and not long after, Lizzie was back to the railroad tracks to that stuck walker....

Remember two episodes ago when she was holding Judith and Judith was crying, attracting walkers, a couple of us thought she was trying to smother/suffocate Judith ?
I had a pretty good idea of what was going to happen,it was straight out of the comics,only the characters were changed.Much better episode tonight for sure.About time too!Only 2 episodes left!
Pretty powerful episode , but now I can't get the phrase out of my head: "Just look at the flowers Lizzie , just look at the flowers.............BAM!!"
The woman that plays Carol is a great actress. She is one of the strongest characters on the show. She does what needs to be done.
Best episode of the second half of season four. I know for a lot of people that's not saying much, but it was the first time I was riveted enough to not be thinking about what any of the other characters were up to...though when they showed the fire, I assumed it had something to do with Daryl and Beth lighting the moonshine cabin on fire. It was the right blend of dramatic tension, quirkiness, and suspense, without a heavy reliance on action/gore sequences.

EDIT: By the way, it might be worth noting, Gimple wrote this episode.

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