The Walking Dead on AMC

Actually enjoyed the episode, and have enjoyed the direction the show has gone since they got out of that damn prison.

Not the best, but FAR from being the worst imo

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Daryl pissing on the floor was to much LOL that one was by far the worst one yet, if they do another one like that, AMC MIGHT PULL THE PLUG ON THEM Gimple is a Pimple thank god he didn't do the very first one, or the show never would have

made it, what a waste of time, money spend on walkers, the grass on the golf course looks like someone just cut it, hell it should be four feet high by now.

We know walkers eat, do thy ever crap?? And they never drink water, just blood LOL
Daryl pissing on the floor was to much LOL that one was by far the worst one yet, if they do another one like that, AMC MIGHT PULL THE PLUG ON THEM Gimple is a Pimple thank god he didn't do the very first one, or the show never would have

made it, what a waste of time, money spend on walkers, the grass on the golf course looks like someone just cut it, hell it should be four feet high by now.

We know walkers eat, do thy ever crap?? And they never drink water, just blood LOL

I 've often wondered myself what happens to all the meat and guts they eat too. IF they don't digest and eliminate, then we should either have 500 lb walkers waddling around or Exploding Zombies when they get too full to move anymore. The Waddling DEAD or the EXPODING DEAD, take your pick.
I 've often wondered myself what happens to all the meat and guts they eat too. IF they don't digest and eliminate, then we should either have 500 lb walkers waddling around or Exploding Zombies when they get too full to move anymore. The Waddling DEAD or the EXPODING DEAD, take your pick.
Pretty much the only one that seemed to be affected by eating/gorging was the one that ate Lori (bones & all).
I was not really impressed with the episode. I get that they are trying to develop all the characters and let us get to know them all more but I don't need a full episode for it. There were times when things looked like they were going to get inappropriate between the two. I think they could have gotten the same point across with with episode in half the time and used the other half to show what the others were up to.

I'm worried that this whole season is just going to be character development and we'll get one great episode at the end making us itch for next season. If that happens all I can say is next season better be awesome all the way through. There are just too many interesting things that should be going on that they can be making episodes on. So far they've taken about one comic issue and stretched it into 5 TV episodes and that is not right at all.
That episode was disturbingly awful. I hope someone in the chain of command realizes the show is going off the rails and can help with the identity crsisis. Will not be surprised to see Gimple replaced.
I wonder how those ratings break down?No offense to the ladies,but somehow I get the feeling more female viewers are watching.
Ratings-wise, while it's dropping, it has always done that (it starts off big with the season or mid-season premiere). It tapers down and then the final episode has good numbers. It's far and away higher than anything else on "cable". Hell, the 2nd ranked show (on Sunday night) is Talking Dead !! It's actually 3rd for the week, behind Duck Dynasty.
As much as I've defended the second half of the season's pacing, focusing an entire episode on just two characters when there are several other groups we are left wondering about was a mistake. It just really breaks up the momentum.

I like Emily Kinney, but she did a terrible job at acting drunk. Drinking as much moonshine as she did as her first-ever drinking experience, she should have been stumbling around drunk. I don't drink too much anymore, so I get a pretty good buzz off of just half of a beer as a full grown man. I can't imagine what a few gulps of hard alcohol would do to me.
I like Emily Kinney, but she did a terrible job at acting drunk. Drinking as much moonshine as she did as her first-ever drinking experience, she should have been stumbling around drunk. I don't drink too much anymore, so I get a pretty good buzz off of just half of a beer as a full grown man. I can't imagine what a few gulps of hard alcohol would do to me.
Good point. I also thought she didn't have the "hard liquor face", when she drank it. Stuff like that burns, and if you aren't used to it, you won't be drinking it like water.

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