Not that I want to know anything about the comics, but was Sgt. Ford one of the characters or is he specifically created for the AMC series?
Not that I want to know anything about the comics, but was Sgt. Ford one of the characters or is he specifically created for the AMC series?
So did I, I had visions of the M*A*S*H finale.
Not too mention she's a pyscho in training anyway. After what she was doing to the rabbits, I wouldn't be surprised at her killing Judith.
I They did show Glen laying on his back waking up, but you didn't know where. I actually thought he was on top of the bus at first.
If you really want to dig into it, go back a couple of episodes and get a rough count of the number of people on the bus before it left. When Maggie and other two found it, there was what, 8-10 zombies plus how many bodies inside ?
Now, if you caught Glen not on the bus, the producers either let you or they missed it. They hide stuff real well in the previews. There was no clue that Tyrese had Judith, the Lizzie and the other girl were with Tyrese, no sign of Maggie (maybe), Sasha, and Bob, and so on. They did show Glen laying on his back waking up, but you didn't know where. I actually thought he was on top of the bus at first.
I think it's safe to assume that no main character is ever going to be found dead or zombified. They will be leaving the show in a violent, bloodied, horrific and highly entertaining way.![]()
How many of the main characters have just gotten bitten/attacked by a zombie, while, say just walking through the woods or something undramatic ? How did Andrea's sister get bit ? It was part of an attack on their camp, yes ? Sophia doesn't count.... What about Dale ? One snuck up on him at night, as I recall.
That any death scene with Glen would likely involve him saving a bunch of other folks from the group, or in some heinous manner at the hands of some terrible, evil nemesis.
ya know, we should really have a Walking Dead thread for those who've read the comics and can compare the series to it, without spoiling things for non-comic readers.You picked a fine time to leave me Lucille...
I'd almost say it would have to be here, just make it "Walking Dead (for those that read the comics) *caution spoilers*"I would be glad to start the thread, under which forum would i put it???
With 400 children and a crop in the field.I seriously thought that was the lyrics when I was a kid.![]()
Over the past two season we've seen the walkers playing a much less prominent role in the fate of our beloved group, while other humans have become a much larger threat. I doubt we'll see many of our heros getting munched. But who knows?
This is the beauty of the show, it's not really about the walkers. It's about humanity and what we turn into in dire situations like this. It's about chaos and if humanity can recover from it. The walking dead are not the walkers, the walking dead are the current survivors. It just shows how terrible we can be and the lengths we are willing to go in order to survive or to protect loved ones.