The Walking Dead on AMC

I'm pretty sure that it was the very first episode of the show when Rick and Glen chopped up a zombie and rubbed its blood and guts all over themselves so the zombies wouldn't know they were alive. There have been all kinds of zombies getting their heads stomped in and people eaten alive with close ups showing every detail.

It's possible that there is a little more gore this year as the budget for the show grows. It has been pretty gory from day 1 though. Anyone who is going to really be turned off by the gore probably wouldn't still be watching at this point.
I'm pretty sure that it was the very first episode of the show when Rick and Glen chopped up a zombie and rubbed its blood and guts all over themselves so the zombies wouldn't know they were alive.

Whatever happened to that technique anyway? Would've come in real handy at the end of season 2 as well as at other points in the show for certain characters.
Yeah, kinda slow... It was more enjoyable when we watched Seasons 1 and 2 on disc in little marathons (we didn't watch from the start).

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It was just another ride on the nowhere train.

For those that seem to be disappointed with this season... I'm just curious what you would like to see happen every week. I'm sure they will somehow make it back with medicine in time but if they don't two of the main characters, Glen and Hershel, will be dead. What shows are you guys watching where something more major than that happens every week? I would like to check those out. I agree that some episodes are better than others but there can't be a season finale type event every episode.
It was a slow paced episode,Scott Wilson (Herschel) was good last night.It ended pretty hardcore though.

Caution!!Spoiler alert! below.

If I couldn't drive a Dodge Charger any better than Daryl,I'd quit!How in the world do you get stuck on a few zombies?They mash their heads in with their feet for crying out loud.
The car was essentially on floor jacks. The bodies were holding the car up and the tires were not touching anything.... I said to my wife and kids, rock the car like when you get stuck in snow. Abandoning the car would have been my last resort, but they didn't hesitate to get out. They've NEVER shown a zombie do anything like break a window, so they were somewhat safe. Granted, when enough surrounded the car, even if they got un-stuck, the car may not have been able to get through that many.

On a related note, since when do zombies not bite or claw/scratch ? When Tyrese got out of the car, they just stood there while he hacked away. Not one attempted to bite/scratch him.
Daryl should have put it in reverse sooner then.:D He's too used to riding the Yamaha.

Yea I dunno about Tyrese bashing 500 zombies in without a scratch.Kind of goes against the direction of the show.T-dog didn't have that many to contend with and they made soup out of him.

Maybe these are docile,goodhearted,veterinarian zombies?
For those that seem to be disappointed with this season... I'm just curious what you would like to see happen every week.
Most shows episodes have a simple plot with the requisite beginning, middle and end. This season just seems to be an on-going middle, with no hint of where it is going, unlike last season with the Governor. I'm pretty sure I read he is coming back. Just hope it's soon.
For those that seem to be disappointed with this season... I'm just curious what you would like to see happen every week. I'm sure they will somehow make it back with medicine in time but if they don't two of the main characters, Glen and Hershel, will be dead. What shows are you guys watching where something more major than that happens every week? I would like to check those out. I agree that some episodes are better than others but there can't be a season finale type event every episode.

Glen, Hershel, Rick, Carole....someone has to die. Okay, let it be Carl. :)
Most shows episodes have a simple plot with the requisite beginning, middle and end. This season just seems to be an on-going middle, with no hint of where it is going, unlike last season with the Governor. I'm pretty sure I read he is coming back. Just hope it's soon.

As much as I couldn't stand The Governor and wished he would be Zombie Stew, I would welcome his return...just to [strike]shake[/strike] wake things up a bit. Other than Hershel's soliloquy last night, there wasn't much to grab my attention and I fell asleep more than once during last night's episode. Heck, I even had a nightmare...when I woke up and listened to Marilyn Manson's idiotic babble. My nightmare dealt with being bitten my Manson and turned into a rube that babbled nonsensically just like he did last night on The Talking Dead. :eek:
Most shows episodes have a simple plot with the requisite beginning, middle and end. This season just seems to be an on-going middle, with no hint of where it is going, unlike last season with the Governor. I'm pretty sure I read he is coming back. Just hope it's soon.

That's why I like shows like The Walking Dead, Game of Thrones, and Breaking Bad. They are able to carry out a plot through a whole season or multiple seasons. So many shows on TV feel the need to start and wrap up a new story in every single episode because they think we don't have enough of an attention span to follow a longer story arc. I appreciate the shows that give their viewers enough credit not to dumb everything down to a story of the week format.
As much as I couldn't stand The Governor and wished he would be Zombie Stew, I would welcome his return...just to [strike]shake[/strike] wake things up a bit. Other than Hershel's soliloquy last night, there wasn't much to grab my attention and I fell asleep more than once during last night's episode. Heck, I even had a nightmare...when I woke up and listened to Marilyn Manson's idiotic babble. My nightmare dealt with being bitten my Manson and turned into a rube that babbled nonsensically just like he did last night on The Talking Dead. :eek:

Wouldn't you love to see MM aka (IT) on the show,getting devoured by a swarm of walkers.
'The Walking Dead' Garners a 6.8 Adults 18-49 Rating, 12.9 Million Total Viewers


"Sunday night's episode of The Walking Dead delivered a 6.8 adults 18-49 rating (8.6 million adults 18-49 viewers) and 12.9 million total viewers. Against The World Series and Sunday Night Football, the show dipped a bit from last week's 7.1 adults 18-49 rating and 13.9 million viewers. Though the sports ratings could rise in the finals, TWD currently ranks as Sunday's top program."