The Walking Dead on AMC

My feeling about season three actually solidified this weekend. On Friday I sprained my ankle AND came down with a bad stomach flu. So, I had a once in a lifetime excuse to totally FO over the beautiful weekend and watched the previously recorded 1-3 marathon. After which, I confirmed my current opinion. 3 just kept me wanting and waiting to see how the STORY would end. It had a continuity the first two did not, IMO...and which last night's showed little promise of.
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Seasons 2 and 3 had some great moments, but both season also dragged at the Farm and Prison respectively. Overall, I would give the nod to Season 2 as being better because of Shane and Dale. However, Season 1 put both of them to shame IMO.

Season 2 actually dragged for me. I didn't finish watching it until last month & then I had to do a season 3 marathon so that I'd be ready for season 4. The Governor made season 3 interesting & the show is at least trying to follow the comic series.
Now that I'm on a roll, what sent up a red flag with Gimple, was when he said he wanted to take the best of 1-3 and re-roll them into this season...meaning, just a visual, game over re-hash. AND, he does not have any vision of his own. OK, done for the night. ::D
My feeling about season three actually solidified this weekend. On Friday I sprained my ankle AND came down with a bad stomach flu. So, I had a once in a lifetime excuse to totally FO over the beautiful weekend and watched the previously recorded 1-3 marathon. After which, I confirmed my current opinion. 3 just kept me wanting and waiting to see how the STORY would end. It had a continuity the first two did not, IMO...and which last night's showed little promise of.

FO=fag out?
The zombies were an afterthought last season. Imo that's what made, to me, it subpar season in comparison to the first two.

It's a show about a zombie apocalypse. When you make it mostly about Joe vs Jim, I don't see the reason to watch it over any other show on TV.

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According to Robert Kirkman, who wrote all the books, that is exactly what the show is about. Zombies created that world but the show is actually about people and the terrible things they will do in a world like that.

Some people got hung up on what started the zombie outbreak. Kirkman has said that we will never know. The reason being that these are regular people who don't have the ability or a reason to go back in time and figure it out. They also aren't super scientists who can develop a cure. They are just regular people trying to survive.

Someone asked where the original show runner is. That was a Frank Darabont. He was fired after the first season. Apparently he got in a fight with the AMC executives over the budget for the second season and it got bad enough that they fired him. His new show, Mob City, starts on TNT this winter.

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Now that I'm on a roll, what sent up a red flag with Gimple, was when he said he wanted to take the best of 1-3 and re-roll them into this season...meaning, just a visual, game over re-hash. AND, he does not have any vision of his own. OK, done for the night. ::D

Good point...that statement also made me wince. I would have felt better about the episode if Nathan Fillion would have provided commentary on TD along with insightful anecdotes about his days on the series Firefly. Note to AMC: put a muzzle on Gimple.
Huh ? How were people supposed to know, in your opinion, that it was a less than stellar show ?

They are impressive numbers and, by most measures, it was a less-than-stellar episode. Just stating a fact. The real proof is what kind of episodes Gimple will deliver in the coming weeks and how many people will tune-out if he can't deliver a quality entertainment experience.
Now that I'm on a roll, what sent up a red flag with Gimple, was when he said he wanted to take the best of 1-3 and re-roll them into this season...meaning, just a visual, game over re-hash. AND, he does not have any vision of his own. OK, done for the night. ::D

The good news is that he doesn't have to write the story. Robert Kirkman already did. The show doesn't adhere exactly to his books but they still have plenty of source material to use.

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The good news is that he doesn't have to write the story. Robert Kirkman already did. The show doesn't adhere exactly to his books but they still have plenty of source material to use.

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There is the IF. First two seasons sidetracked greatly.
I actually didn't mind the change-of-pace season premiere. It was necessary to establish a new situation, introduce new characters, and new themes. Things will obviously go south real fast, but this episode re-established that there could still be something to live for, reason to keep fighting, and the hope that maybe you can "come back from it." Otherwise, you gotta wonder why everyone doesn't just kill themselves, like the crazy lady did and Andrea and Bethany came close to doing.

The way people are complaining about it in this thread, you'd think this was the worst show on television, when even at its worse, this show is better, in my mind, to 95% of anything else on. The only other recent shows that have managed to stay consistently this good are Breaking Bad and Homeland (at least as far as I can tell through the second season).
I didn't mind this episode either. I thought all the zombies falling through the roof 1 by 1 while they were in the store was a little silly when they had been walking around up there for who knows how long. I still think it was an entertaining episode though. I'm not expecting an epic season finale type event every episode. No show could live up to that kind of pressure week after week.

All the new characters were probably necessary too. They need to have someone for zombies to chew up on a weekly basis and they can't afford to kill off one of the core characters every single week.