The Walking Dead on AMC

The battle at the gate of Alexandria was very dull and so unrealistic. They were not shooting at each other. Rick at gun point by big garbage lady was not the best acting especially when Rick's girlfriend has a clear shot and does not take it. This was not a surprised attack. They knew this was coming. She took a beating by the other "we win" garbage character. Look at the ending. Negan get his gang together for an imminent attack what does Rick and group do. Oh everything is cool. Let's lick our wounds and go by our business. To me they should be worry unless they found some kind of shield that will protect them. I was thinking about the defaction of Dwayne and this story of taking down trees and I was like why. There was a disconnect in the story that makes you go why he bother to cut down the trees. Was anyone from Rick checking that this was happening. Whoever wrote this episode and conducted did not do their homework. It looks more like an improvisation on the fly instead of thinking about the story. This is the first time I was disappointed as I was waiting for more. My guess is that they think they can milk more from the negan character when I think it should have been over.

"Those that can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities" Voltaire
Weak season finale. Negan story is dull at this point.

"Those that can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities" Voltaire
I loved the finale. The battle was great.

I loved Negan's lines when Sasha popped out of the coffin (figured out early on she had taken the pill), and then when Shiva and then Maggie showed up.
"The Widow is alive and she's a guns ablazin'." :clapping
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My guess is that they think they can milk more from the negan character when I think it should have been over.
Without going too much into comic spoilers, if you don't like Negan, you're going to be dissapointed.

Negan is still alive in the comic, long after the end of the "All Out War" and a major character against the new/current enemies.
It is not a matter or like him or dislike him. His character is same old psycho always. He needs to something diffrent

"Those that can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities" Voltaire
I knew Sonequa ( Sasha ) was gone as soon as she landed the lead role on the new Star Trek series back in December. Talent can usually juggle TV and a movie but not another TV series that requires a weekly shoot schedule in Georgia and Vancouver. Just wish she would have taken a chunk out of Negan instead of his second. I did like the line from Jadis, the Romulan Trash Lady, " I lay with him after, Yes? " to Michonne.
I wasn't all that impressed with the finale. Probably one of the worst season ends they've had. I still really enjoy the show but it's upsetting how they drag everything out so much. I still like Negan's character but things need to start advancing in the story.
Looks like when it comes back it will be all out war. Can't wait.

I don't get why last season gets all the flack. I know people were horrified by the season opener. I don't get that either. What show have these people been watching all along? It was to violent...... what??? It's always been violent. They cut Hershel's head off.

I know people loved Glen and all but come on. I loved Hershel and look what happened. I just don't get it.
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I wasn't all that impressed with the finale. Probably one of the worst season ends they've had. I still really enjoy the show but it's upsetting how they drag everything out so much. I still like Negan's character but things need to start advancing in the story.
Well the comics go slow too, but I love them just as much, fear the walking dead is boring, perhaps because it has no comic story to test out some story lines, and i don't care for many of the actors who they pick, it may go under, who knows at least the comics are sending out people to meet others that they made contract with my radio and we get to see what happened to large cites
Well the comics go slow too, but I love them just as much, fear the walking dead is boring, perhaps because it has no comic story to test out some story lines, and i don't care for many of the actors who they pick, it may go under, who knows at least the comics are sending out people to meet others that they made contract with my radio and we get to see what happened to large cites

I gave Fear an honest try. For me to get into a TV show I need to connect and relate to the characters, I tried and just couldn't make that happen.

With that said, I am really excited for the Season 8 opener!
Bad actors, bad story line, could be no comic book to test out bad stories leads, i read the comics and I strongly feel that way
kill everyone off, leave the Spanish guy and the black guy, and then find a very good lead actor that woman sucks the only good actor they kill off, but no body ever found perhaps they could show he broke his fall with a tree branch and lived is the father Even his son Chris was better, then the step son
I quit the show after Neagen came in the season finale where he beat three characters to death . That was where I got soured on the show forever.
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I quit the show after Neagen came in the season finale where he beat a three characters to death . That was where I got soured on the show forever.

Well don't give up, if you read the comics its still going strong, Eugene still has a big role to play yet, if they follow the comics. And it gets better.
Every once in while, even in the comics they have a bum one.
This has to be one of the worst season opener. You mean to tell me that they were shooting blanks and no one got hit. What was the purpose of bringing the zombies to Negan? They overkill the speech about who won... how many times i needed to hear the same... Rick girlfriend got hit very hard on her right eye, yet in the next scene it was like nothing happened. The entire scene of the priest getting stuck with the zombies was so stupid... there is more but i will not go and watch again this low budget episode... very disappointed of season premiere.

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