At the very end of the scene after they took him out of the Suburban, Michone pulled her katana out of it's "thing". Then they cut away.
I didn't realize that TWD had returned until I saw the episode summary on Yahoo. The radio broadcasts that Tyrese was hallucinating about was most likely the broadcasts that he listened to with his father when he was young,& no doubt was about Rwanda,Liberia,Sierra Leone,& other African nations that went to hell during the 90's. The bodies that they found that were cut in half,with the upper bodies put into that truck were no doubt the work of a certain bad guy,mentioned in the comics with his beloved weapon,that people,who don't read the comics,do not want mentioned because it will spoil it for them. Is this the first hint of [?]?
I read somewhere(was it here?) that this could actually be the SECOND hint of [?],the first hint being the people who first attacked Terminus & set the Terminus residents off on their cannibal path afterwards.Is this the first hint of [?]?
When I said "cut away", no pun was intended ! I meant the cut to another scene !!...Michone pulled her katana out of it's "thing". Then they cut away.
Looks like they are repeating the post-midseason "crawl" from last year, heaven forbid.This episode was very slow. More story development. It's not bad but with so few episodes in a season I hate having to wait for the story to develop. It looks like the next episode will be our action packed one.
Usually the mid season premier episode is exciting and this last week's episode was not. It has become a slow plug through, with an occasional death thrown in along the way. Maybe the new guy Arron, will "liven" things up ,so to speak. But he is probably another cannibal. Anyone that they have met along the way living in clean clothes in a somewhat civilized setting, turns out to be a crazed psychopath or a cannibal.Looks like they are repeating the post-midseason "crawl" from last year, heaven forbid.
They wouldn't freeze to death though, right ?Just like any organic thing a zombie would have to freeze.
They wouldn't freeze to death though, right ?It would kinda be like Han Solo being flash-frozen and when they thaw out, they're still "alive" .... or "(walking) dead".
I have always wondered what kind of affect freezing weather would have on zombies and now with this nation wide freeze I think it would be cool to explore that idea on the show. Just like any organic thing a zombie would have to freeze. I know it would be hard to stay alive in the cold but at least you wouldn't be dodging zombie while gathering supplies.