The Ultimate Guide to DIRECTV Gemini

DIRECTV's Gemini is the biggest thing to happen to the satellite provider in half a decade! It takes the 4K Genie client idea and turbocharges it. You get a box that's both smaller and faster than the previous generation client, plus a new remote that's even easier to use than the Genie remote. And then, there are the apps. Run pretty much any app from the Google Play store without changing inputs on your TV. Switch back and forth as easily and as quickly as you switch satellite TV channels.

There's an awful lot to like here, and I know you're as excited as I am. I've put all of our Gemini articles together in one place, so you can quickly and easily learn about this device. I'll keep it updated as I continue to add new articles.

The post The Ultimate Guide to DIRECTV Gemini appeared first on The Solid Signal Blog.

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