The Ultimate BS Lawsuit

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This is so depressing, it makes me want to drive to the local Mickey D's and grab some fatty french fries and a cup of scalding hot coffee. :rolleyes: I think our society is almost entirely void of common sense and the concept of personal responsibility; we have turned into a society of victims. :confused:
So what do you guys think caused this country to be what it is today? Hippies? The Internet? Prescription Drugs?

I say drugs, we've got SO many people on SO many different things with NO long term effect studies that it's frightening...People are on pills for everything anymore...
Purogamer said:
So what do you guys think caused this country to be what it is today? Hippies? The Internet? Prescription Drugs?

I say drugs, we've got SO many people on SO many different things with NO long term effect studies that it's frightening...People are on pills for everything anymore...
I think we could discuss this issues for weeks and just barely scratch the surface of why we morphed into a society of victims...and it certainly doesn't help when public schools are focusing on "shared learning" and have tossed concepts like "personal responsibility" right out the window. Anyway, just to throw out a couple items for a word, Lawyers! ;) with Drug makers being a close 2nd. I'm proud to say that I don't take any drugs to include aspirin, etc. I had knee surgery a few months ago and I was shocked at the number of pain relievers the Doctor prescribed. I simply shredded the prescriptions and dealt with my recovery issues. It seems like a quarter of my wife's kids (she is a teacher) are on prescription meds. Ugh! I think we're numbing our minds with all these drugs; we are becoming a pickled society IMO. Lawyers are the enablers of our codependency created by the Drug Makers.

Of course TV and the Internet are also to blame, but they are only the symptoms and not the root cause. The bottom line is all of these failures can be attributed to us Baby Boomers. Yes, it's us selfish Baby Boomers that have allowed this to happen. Our parents worked hard and sacrificed everything to make us happy. Unfortunately, we turned into a generation of selfish, self-centered, instant gratification, what have you done for me lately, lazy mellon heads. I bet our parents would be proud...very proud. :rolleyes:
I'd like to hear more about the "Home" Makeover case mentioned in the last paragraph of page 2. Not that it's sue-worthy, just the circumstances behind the booting of 5 orphans after ABC builds them a mansion.
i also heard that the season finale home that they built for the person that rescued jessica lynch in iraq. that the family never moved in and they tried to return all the appliances back to sears.
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