We stopped watching "Tonight" when Conan got the shaft and Leno did nothing to help the issue.
I wouldn't say Leno did nothing to help the issue...he helped push Conan off the cliff when he asked him to look down and take a look.

It was actually a good move because Conan was just another late-night guy telling mediocre jokes, conducting mediocre skits, and with a really annoying pale white complexion. Anyway, it appears that NBC is trying their best to screw up the one area they have dominated in television - late night. If they push Leno out, they are going to fall to 3rd place in the late-night ratings:
1. Late Night NBC Hate Night with Jay Leno (FOX)
2. Bitter, Hateful, Hasn't Been Funny in 20-Years with David Letterman (CBS)
3. Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon (NBC)