Does Jay write his own jokes?On Jay Leno's first night back to Tonight Show hosting duties, he stole two jokes for his monologue. One from Mitt Romney(!?), and another from an ESPN Page 2 sports writer....
Jay Leno Can't Come Up With Original Material Anymore - Jay Leno - Gawker.TV
I miss Coco.![]()
Speaking of joke stealing back around 1988 I went to a comedy club in California . I was being served and saw a photo of Robin Williams with a caption that said don't perform if you see this man come into the room. I asked the Waitress what that was all about and she said many comedians have said Williams comes into a bar and steals jokes from the less known comedians. I didn't know what to think about that but years later I saw more evidence of it. One of many examples was when Ray Ramono did a bit on Letterman and the next day Robin Williams did the same bit word for word. You could see that Letterman was not very happy with.