Actually I tolerated him late when he had musical guests ...
I'll move on to the other Jimmy, Conan or Dave now that I've given Fallon a chance.

You're right. As you were sirI sure will cause Jimmy sucks, this comes from a life long tonight show fan, no more... the tonight show died 2 weeks ago and I hope it dies a quick merciless death.(This is a Jay Leno thread, not a Jimmy is Jesus thread)
I'm still having Leno opening monologue DTs. Jimmy's show is okay and I do enjoy some of his skits and games, as something to occasionally watch, but his show is not doing it for me on a daily basis. And his stand-up is just as dry and boring as Letterman. Leno may not have been the best when it came to interviewing guests or performing in some of the comedy skits, but there was no one better in delivering a monologue - he came out hitting a home run just about every night.
That may have been true in his first stint, but something changed after his prime time debacle and it showed...
That may have been true in his first stint, but something changed after his prime time debacle and it showed...
When Jay came back the show was flat, maybe it was the new studio but it wasn't the same old show.I didn't noticed any changes other than the band...Ricky Minor (or whatever his name) has the personality of a wet dish rag.
I'm actually starting to tolerate Dave, watching him every night... Kimmel comes on way late here, I have checked out Arsenio a few times.