Regarding the HDMI cable debate: I'll need to see the results of at least 3 seperate double blind tests. Enough, properly done, double blind tests have been perfromed regarding "Hi-Res audio" and higher sampling rates for audio recording for us to come to the truth, regardless of what are ears and brains THINK they hear.
I shall reserve judgment--and my wallet--until I can review at least 3, independant, properly done, unbiased (not conducted by a cable making company) double-blind tests. I haven't really searched for them, but I just wouldn't want to spend too much on cables anyway. I've found that using my same HDMI "inexpensive" cables, that each upgrade of the Dish box has resulted in better and better PQ having never changed the HDMI cable. The 722K had noticable better PQ; then the Hopper had noticably better PQ; then the HWS had noticably better PQ, just as an example I've experienced, but the difference was easy to notice and others who did not know the box was changed out said they thought I was getting better PQ for some reason, now that was interesting. This seems to suggest the "cheap" cable is doing all it can and the real culprit of PQ is the hardware and software of whatever connected device is ouputting the data, assuming the same display and no changes in the displays settings, as was the case in my upgrades over the years.
But, I still would like to see the 3 double blind tests.