The silver lining in E*'s HD direction


SatelliteGuys Family
Original poster
Sep 9, 2003
At the Nov 24th retailer chat, E* dropped the bombshell that the SuD/105/HD plan was being abandoned completely. But they put their usual positive spin on this by simply saying that any new HD channels would go on 110. When pressed about what they would do with the existing HD channels at 61.5/148, Charlie hinted that they would like to move HBO and SHO, but was sure if they could or would and further confused a lot of us by suggesting current HD installs add the side dish to "future proof" HD.

I believe that the simple truth is that on the 24th, they hadn't decided whether it was better to move the existing channels onto the limited space at 110, or leave them on the side sats and add a few new HD channels to 110.

Well, on Monday's chat they announced their decision to move the existing channels which will go live at 110 on the 19th. And although I and the majority of others with second dishes already installed would have preferred to see some new HD channels, I think in the long run, it's in everyone's best interest that they did this. As E* HD customers, we want our base to grow, and the faster the better. The more voices we have, the more we will have to be reckoned with.

As thousands of existing E* customers install HD sets every month, many of them would opt to switch to D*'s single dish solution for (currently) $370 rather than paying $200 for an 811 plus the additional cost of installing a second dish and expensive sw64. Not to mention the aesthetic issues of a second dish and the all important WAF.

This move also levels the HD playing field for any new customer deciding between E* and D* based on their HD offering. Pretty much the same channels from either one with a single dish (D* getting the edge for NFL fans with their Sunday Ticket). But for those that are only interested in HD and can't afford Voom, you can get all eight HD channels including HBO and SHO from E* for $41/mo and I don't think anyone can touch that.

But now that all eight channels will be on 110, the big question in my mind is why do they need separate PPV and event channels. Unless there is some technical limitation, I doubt that many of us would complain if the endless reruns of the same 10 movies during the month are occasionally interrupted with a special HD event or an NBA HD game if doing so would free up space for an additional HD channel.

As for new HD channels on 110, Charlie appears to have decided to stand pat for the moment. He'll probably wait to see if D* raises the bet with new channels, and match it somehow if they do.
Direct will be freeing up 3 HDTV channels as the NFL package ends.

I wonder if they will take that bandwidth and add 3 new HD channels or if they will add more locals to catch up with Dish?

Should be an interesting next 30 days?
Dish has one important advantage over DirecTV in the HDTV arms race - 8PSK. Dish can pack in more HD bits per transponder than DirecTV can which IMHO will give Dish the edge IF they can secure the programming.
dlsnyder, you are probably coerect in your conclusions for the short term, however I still think that this mostly one dish solution for HD on 110 is only temporary, once those 4 HD channels currently being mirrored on both the wings are turned off and the new DPP4:4 switch is available, their will be new HD channels added on to the wings, subs who want them will need to add a 2nd dish to receive them and those that are satisfied with the current line-up of HD will continue with a one dish solution.
I also think this is a temporary solution, unless Dish can figure out another way of getting room at 110 or 119 soon, and I do not see that happening, unless there is something we do not know about, or Dish has decided not to go full steam ahead on HD just yet.
ScottChez said:
Direct will be freeing up 3 HDTV channels as the NFL package ends.

Actually, I've heard that D* reduced their number of PPV channels and takes that bandwidth and uses them for the NFL:ST HD games. So there really isn't room for the 3 HD channels after the NFL:ST season ends. Unless of course they make a reduction in PPV channels permanent.
I purchased a signal booster from a D* dealer. He told me that he has been informed that D* is reducing the Directway sattelitte usage because of low use and that HD content will be moving onto those sattelittes. Do not know if this could be done but if so would probably give D* a boost in providing bandwith for more HD channels. Maybe this would motivate Charlie and company.
EdV said:
This move also levels the HD playing field for any new customer deciding between E* and D* based on their HD offering. Pretty much the same channels from either one with a single dish (D* getting the edge for NFL fans with their Sunday Ticket). But for those that are only interested in HD and can't afford Voom, you can get all eight HD channels including HBO and SHO from E* for $41/mo and I don't think anyone can touch that.

The D* offerings seem to be driving Charlie's plans right now. He stuck to the idea that all new HD would go on superdish until D* launched new HD before superdish was ready. He then caught up using space on 110. Based on the latest chats, I'm under the strong impression that he will not add new HD programming until D* does, and he doesn't seem to think that they will do so until next year when their new satellite goes up.

Following a nasty quarterly report last month, Charlie seems to have reversed course from trying to be the HD leader to being content with being the HD follower. He's now fully focused on LIL, where the money is.

--- WCS
wcswett said:
EdV said:
This move also levels the HD playing field for any new customer deciding between E* and D* based on their HD offering. Pretty much the same channels from either one with a single dish (D* getting the edge for NFL fans with their Sunday Ticket). But for those that are only interested in HD and can't afford Voom, you can get all eight HD channels including HBO and SHO from E* for $41/mo and I don't think anyone can touch that.

The D* offerings seem to be driving Charlie's plans right now. He stuck to the idea that all new HD would go on superdish until D* launched new HD before superdish was ready. He then caught up using space on 110. Based on the latest chats, I'm under the strong impression that he will not add new HD programming until D* does, and he doesn't seem to think that they will do so until next year when their new satellite goes up.

Following a nasty quarterly report last month, Charlie seems to have reversed course from trying to be the HD leader to being content with being the HD follower. He's now fully focused on LIL, where the money is.

--- WCS

I agree that Charlie's number one focus is on locals and that is where the money is at, however I belive the only reason E* has bin content to just match D* on HD at this time is because the SD105 current satellite footprint would not reach all of the lower 48 States let alone AK and HI, so Charlie and company made a last minet decision to hold off on adding any more new HD channels and do what E* is capable of doing now, matching D* with a one dish solution for all the HD channel's that the two have in common. E* will likely have the DPP4:4 switch ready and room cleared on the wings to add additional HD channels by the time if not sooner then D* will have their new Spotbeam satellite up to open up room on 101 for additional HD channels for them. For the short turn E* is only being content to just match D* on HD because circumstances have forced them to do so and once E* has the space and parts in place, new HD channels will be added, regardless of what D* does or does not do.
Or Charlie's focus could be distracted by other things: on this AM, there was a blurb that there is apparently chatter in the market that EchoStar is open to an acquistion by SBC.

Could be just regular market rumors, but it seems to fit with the way things are going lately at E*.

Yes, you are correct.

However, my understanding was that the market chatter was that SBC wanted more than just a "bundling" scenario, and that E* was open to an "acquisition".

Acquisition? or buyout entirely. This might be one of the only ways that Dish can survive after the Rupert Murdock "aquisition" of Directv. They are going to need a large company to back them if they want to compete.
How broad are the reaches of Cingular Cellular service? I believe SBC is majority owner of Cingular and if that's the case, it might make positioning MVDDS service a simple game.

Just a thought, don't give me heck for idle speculation, or my lack of knowledge about Cellular Network architecture and topologies.

Cingular is partly owned by SBC and BellSouth. Note sure about the percentage ownership. They have coverage in 34 startes, plus PR and USVI.


The last public record I can find shows SBC with 60% of ownership of Cingular.

If you think about it, purchasing Echostar would mean they have broad band delivery via land line, terrestrial wireless, satellite wireless and (maybe) cable.

Do the have a stake in any of the cable providers too?

:D Does not matter FCC will not allow SBC to buy Dish and it has been turned down befor! SBC stinks and glad they did!
The satellite companies will have to diversify if they want to make additional money on a monthly basis and to increase subscriber counts. New technology as well as new implications of the technology we currently have now may need to be done to go along with that.

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