I think you meant to say that the timeline is FUBAR. Skynet has gone from trying to protect its existence to trying to create itself. I can hardly stand to watch it.
IF skynet's beginning got altered from the one in the movies , then who is there in the future who is trying to send back terminators to help create skynet a different way? Can you say paradox? Maybe it is skynet from an alternate universe sending terminators back to our present. Remember the syndicated series TIME TRAX? In that show when you went back in time you were really going to an alternate past in an alternate universe. Meaning you couldn't really change your future. The future cop was always catching bad guys from the future in our present and sending them back to his future. I really never understood that whole premise .
I agree though with the whole paradox thing. We aren't supposed to try to figure it out to hard . Besides how long can this show go before it gets very, very repetitious? How many violent scenes can they put in one show anyway? THat is one thing this series has though that others lack: THEy don't spare on the special effects and violent explosions. It is like every episode could be a movie in itself.