I think Chuck has jumped the shark. Part of the show was keeping Chuck being a spy a secret from everyone and Chuck wanting but not able to have Sarah. Now that everyone and their grandmother (except Jeff and Lester) knows Chuck is involved with the CIA and he's banging Sarah, the show lost a lot. Also I don't quite get the whole point of having the Buy More get destroyed and having it reopen as a secret CIA OP Center. Seems like it was put into the show because none of the writers could think of anything else. Since Chuck debuted, every year when the upfronts come out I hold my breath when NBCs fall line up is announced to see if Chuck is still on, but honestly, at this point it could get cancelled and I wouldn't miss it.
I watch Chuck, The Event, Chase and Undercovers on NBC, which is up from last year when it was just Chuck. I don't really watch Undervovers I just have it on in the background. Chase is pretty good as I usually enjoy anything and everything from Bruckheimer, and The Event has me reeled in. And it's 4 more shows then I watch on ABC, as I watch nothing on there.