Guys, you NEED to check your personal TVfool in cases where you can't seem to pick up co-located stations, that you feel you should be able to pick up. You NEED to understand what RF channel they REALLY broadcast on, (to select a proper antenna)
AND especially how much
ERP is
aimed towards YOU.
For instance in my case, I have a UHF flamethrower station 35 miles away South-East on RF22 (WNEM), that is 1
MEGA-watt, and throws
874kW's my way! It's located about 200 yards away from another tower broadcasting on RF46 (WBSF), that broadcasts a total power of 70kW's, yet only throws
31kW's my way. I have to use a Jointenna for 46 with a dedicated HDB91x (91xg clone)
aimed right at it, to keep it from breaking up. If I don't, RF22 (WNEM) swamps it out.
Then at the opposite farthest end of my local station bearings, there's a station on RF16 (WSMH) pushing 29.9kW's my way, located right next to a station on RF48 (WAQP) pushing 841kW's!
So, I have one HDB91x dedicated and aimed at RF46 with a Jointenna, then I have a second HDB91x aimed at the RF16 station, which is my "all (UHF) channels EXCEPT channel RF46" antenna.
So, the two UHF HDB91x antenna's are aimed at the
weakest stations, yet on the "all (UHF) channels EXCEPT RF46" HDB91x, it not only gets full signal on my other weak station in my receivable arc (RF16), BUT, the other stations are still powerful enough that they come in fine with the antenna aimed as it is.
By the way, I also have a third High band VHF only antenna (AC Y10-7-13) aimed at and picking up RF12 (WJRT) which is my only VHF station.
TVfool isn't perfect, but it's a
fantastic tool that makes things so much easier, once you take some time to understand what it's telling you.