True. I'll admit there is a bit of laziness on my part - it's nice to let the DVR do the work, and I just turn it on and watch whatever is on my DVR. No needing to see if there's a new episode, flip to a different platform, etc. Which leads to me being close to dropping - if I'm going to have to flip to a different platform, I may as well flip and make it my primary for everything.

Not my problem. Not saying it's Dish's problem either - HBO is basically saying if we can't make xxx subscribers, we want 0 - which is really stupid on their part. It doesn't cost them any more to deliver to 500 or 50000 subscribers on Dish, the content and platform is already there, so every 1 additional customer is just profit at that point.

In the end, I blame HBO here. Just like with basic cable packages, this business model is severely outdated and needs to be scrapped in favor of a la carte pricing, but that isn't happening.

You really think this was HBO's doing or was it ATT attempting to pull Dish customers over to their Direct TV?
Right, but how can a tiny startup manage to meet the terms of an agreement with HBO but not much larger Dish? Makes me hesitant to place all blame on AT&T, especially with Dish's history of channel takedowns.

Since we do not know the terms Orby agreed to, it is hard to say. Also, depending on your point of view, Orby might not be targeted at the same market as DISH, or, if they are, signing Orby to carry HBO creates another competitor for Dish with HBO, which helps AT&T's bargaining position. Either way, they are tiny, so it is a pretty small risk to AT&T to sign a contract with them.
Since we do not know the terms Orby agreed to, it is hard to say. Also, depending on your point of view, Orby might not be targeted at the same market as DISH, or, if they are, signing Orby to carry HBO creates another competitor for Dish with HBO, which helps AT&T's bargaining position. Either way, they are tiny, so it is a pretty small risk to AT&T to sign a contract with them.

Currently we really don't know positively anything ! I do know that after nearly 30 and 40 years of seniority in our positions myself and my wife combined we know our preferences. She trusts me to make our entertainment choices! Strange 'eh!
IMHO, AT&T acquiring HBO and Cinemax just prior to Dishes contract expiration couldn't have been coincidental.
Okay, I'll admit that I have come up with some pretty outlandish conspiracy theories in the past, but the idea that AT&T went to the trouble of acquiring all of Time Warner (not just HBO and Cinemax) with a deadline goal of doing so before Dish's contract with HBO expired, just so AT&T could mess with Dish by taking HBO and Cinemax away, is really far out there, even for me. I think it is more likely that it was Dish's decision to drop HBO and Cinemax, as a last-ditch effort to try to derail the merger, and now Dish is stubbornly stuck, doubling down on that decision.

Depends when orby entered into a contract with a HBO. Was it pre or post Jun '18 and do they have the same 30% requirement.
Wasn't it posted earlier in this thread that Orby did not have HBO or Cinemax? That would definitely make this a more recent development than June 2018.

Right, but how can a tiny startup manage to meet the terms of an agreement with HBO but not much larger Dish? Makes me hesitant to place all blame on AT&T, especially with Dish's history of channel takedowns.
Orby has a lot fewer subscribers (understatement of the year) so a 30% target would be much easier to reach for them than it would be for a much larger company like Dish.
It was posted that it wasn't on Orby, not that they didn't have a deal. The question is WHEN did a deal get signed. What kind of clauses could have gone along with it? Too much of us not knowing to speculate anything, honestly.
at this point, the only way Dish is getting the HBO/Cinemax back is pretty much have the other AT&T channels contract expire and have them in a short term blackout forcing AT&T to cave after losing money from a dispute with for all of their channels yes, that means the AT&T Sports Net RSNs, the Turner networks and all of the HBO/Cinemax channels will be off Dish for a period.

when does the contract for the Turner Networks end, i know they had a dispute in 2014 that resulted in some of their channels be removed from Dish without a announcement of it in the weeks leading up to it.
It was posted that it wasn't on Orby, not that they didn't have a deal. The question is WHEN did a deal get signed. What kind of clauses could have gone along with it? Too much of us not knowing to speculate anything, honestly.
A little honest speculation never hurt anybody, as long as we all acknowledge and understand that it is only speculation.
Since we do not know the terms Orby agreed to, it is hard to say. Also, depending on your point of view, Orby might not be targeted at the same market as DISH, or, if they are, signing Orby to carry HBO creates another competitor for Dish with HBO, which helps AT&T's bargaining position. Either way, they are tiny, so it is a pretty small risk to AT&T to sign a contract with them.
Maybe AT&T was desperate to make up for the money that they are losing by not having HBO and Cinemax on Dish. :D
That's true, and you and I have had those conversations. There has just been too many people in this long thread take things such as our speculation as fact to whichever side they agree with more. If I were to give my honest speculation, it would match what Will said.
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I'm paying $15 now, $3 extra to not deal with streaming and record to my DVR sounds like a deal.

Lol there's some truth to that.

As a general answer lets say At&t negotiated the same deal they wanted with DISH. Perhaps Orby saw more value in it than DISH, that they had to have HBO for now to make an impression.
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