Well, if you don't ask for the credit, you definitely will not get it. Dish uses the number of complaints to gauge the popularity of the affected channel(s) and determine whether it is financially worth it to add them back. Again using the AMC dispute as an example, subscribers who complained got a monthly bill credit and a one-time credit for each show they were missing (and a free Roku) so that kind of seems like double-dipping on credits, but Dish did it anyway. If that is what it takes to keep the subscribers happy (or keep them as Dish subscribers at all) and it is still cheaper than paying the extortion demanded by the content owner, Dish will do it. Of course, these days, it is possible to build the streaming app into the Dish receivers, so there is no longer any need for the Roku. Dish just has to be clever enough to partner with someone else who has streaming rights to the HBO content, without Dish needing a contract directly with HBO.