The NFL Network gets agressive with TWC and other lame cable ops

cable-guy said:
TWC milwaukee is already advertising the nfl network, would you advertise a product that you thought you may not agree to and then have to tell your customers sorry, you can't have it. i will take that wager!
TWC is not running those ads, they're being run on CBS or ABC or NBC or whatever channel you happened to be watching at the time. TW can't control what ads are run by the networks !!
Bosco10021 said:

My local TWC system has the channel already, so I didn't read all the previous posts.

Me Bad

WHAT!! Your local TWC already has The NFL Network?? Where are you located? If this is true you would be the first one to have it via TWC. When did you first notice it appearing?
GB4FAN92 said:
WHAT!! Your local TWC already has The NFL Network?? Where are you located? If this is true you would be the first one to have it via TWC. When did you first notice it appearing?

He/she is probably an ex-Adelphia or ex-Comcast sub who now has been absorbed by TWC in the Adelphia buyout. They will have the NFL Network for another couple of days (since the FCC made them put it back on for 30 days), and then, poof- it will be gone. Then they will join the rest of us long-time suffering TWC subs. No ESPN2HD, no NFL Network, no nothing for the past 2+ years.
toadfannc said:
He/she is probably an ex-Adelphia or ex-Comcast sub who now has been absorbed by TWC in the Adelphia buyout. They will have the NFL Network for another couple of days (since the FCC made them put it back on for 30 days), and then, poof- it will be gone. Then they will join the rest of us long-time suffering TWC subs. No ESPN2HD, no NFL Network, no nothing for the past 2+ years.

Yes this is the case. I live near Buffalo NY and was an ex- Adelphia now TWC customer. We have the NFL Network and OLN on basic cable.
Bosco10021 said:
Yes this is the case. I live near Buffalo NY and was an ex- Adelphia now TWC customer. We have the NFL Network and OLN on basic cable.

Enjoy it. Because in 4 days (TWC and the NFL worked an extension until 9/15), it will go away. That is unless there is a deal struck. I'll be generous here when I say that TWC is not particularly nimble with contract negotiations. Welcome to Time Warner Cable. You'll be wishing soon that the Adelphia crooks didn't screw up your cable company.
Hold the Phone!!!!! Stop The Presses!!!! "The NFL is on Time Wanrer Cable!":up :up...

oh.. those are the games on local tv.. and one game on espn.. my bad
I don't know, but it looks like NFL Network isn't going anywhere on my system. Sure we are a former Adelphia area, but at one time they had a big bold notice on the new TWC site that NFL Network would be leaving the lineup. Last time I checked (Tuesday) it was still on the channel list on the website, but with no warning that it would be going away.
well as soon as NFL network was taken off.. it was replaced by a message saying something like "NFL network has been reretfully deleted, we are still negotiating, " etc etc.. but that has disappeared now.
Sorry to hear about all of this manure for twc sub's. I've got Dish net, with NFL Net, only one price increase in five years, and many more features than twc analog for the same price (about $45.00) . I'm not sure what digital cable runs around here, and their website tells me nothing. Why don't all of you TWC subs come over and watch the games until TWC gets their head out of their backside... the door is open!
I work for a TV studio that puts its programming on TWC Cincinnati. Since we program 4 TWC channels, we occasionally get calls from people thinking we are TWC. Knowing this the local TWC folks sent us a pamplet explaining the company line about the NFL Network deal. One of the pages has something that really made me agree with TWC about the value of this channel. They listed all the NFL games available on BASIC cable this season. It took up 2 and three quarter columns 8 pt. font on an 8 1/2 x 11 page. 1/8 of column 3 had the games available on the NFL network only in 10 point font. A few of the NFL Network-only games had an asterisk next to them. The note at the bottom of column three says "May be available via local channel".

No value. And to be honest, though I am a football fan, I have not watched one second of NFL network.

What TWC wants to do is start a sports tier. Plain and simple they want to move most of the specialty sports to a separate package so they can charge mo... er... keep subscriber costs down.

See ya
TNGTony said:
No value. And to be honest, though I am a football fan, I have not watched one second of NFL network.
Starting this season there will be eight regular season NFL games on the NFL Network beginning Thanksgiving. Does that explain why it's more of a priority for fans now?
The thing is that any of the games that involve any of the teams I care for have been picked up by a local broadcast channel that is already on the cable system. The total number of games on the NFL network that are not available to standard cable subscribers in this area is 4. The number of total football games available is close to 100. So in this area, to we really need an expensive channel 24/7/356 that has 4 games not available some where else this year?

See ya
I guess the NFL Network would be of value to someone who doesn't like the "local" team. For example, a Steelers fan living in Miami FL probably won't have the opportunity to watch the Steelers play too often without NFL Net (unless they're playing the Dolphins).

Otherwise, the network is just a bunch of filler games, 24 hours a day outside of Sunday. In fact, is there any rhyme or reason to what games they broadcast M-F ??
I know this doesn't help things now but I've been hearing from a couple people at the NFL that in 2010 none other than the NFL Network will be offering NFL Sunday Ticket. It will still be a PPV season package but I hear it will finally be made available to any company that wants it. NFL Network will at that point be able to replay the games however they want as they own the rights for the broadcasts themselves. Many things are involved in this from what I hear but the main issue is that all the sudden the NFL feels that the time will be right in 2010 for full open access to NFL Sunday Ticket.

Also they want to start tinkering with different types of packages such as a single team package, NFC or AFC only package along with the full season package. One of the NFL's biggest complaints are about how many games are on at 1pm for example. So what the plan is for the future in 2010 is to have more overall games on free or cable channels for all to watch. This is the main jive I've been told thus far.

Sunday and Monday Night will still be around.

The next CBS and Fox contracts (assuming they even go to CBS and Fox) will have less overall games as part of the contract. NFL Network will get a few games a week. So the plan is to stop having one network have the double header every other week. So for example CBS, Fox and NFL Network will all have one game at both 1pm and 4pm. CBS and Fox will be mostly regional as today while NFL Network will be a national game available to all.

So less games overall will be on NFL Sunday Ticket and as such they think a lower price would be better for the mass market. Also they want to see how the Thursday and Saturday test goes because those two Sunday NFL Network games I talked about above could be placed on those days instead but will be every week of the season instead of just the last part of the season.

What the overall plan is for the future is to get NFL Network more involved along with a few other key things below.

1. Use NFL Network to provide more overall national games to customers without needing a PPV package. So I hear the NFL Network could be offering between Thursday and Saturday nights 34 total NFL games all live and free to any customer who has NFL Network.

2. With less overall games on Sunday they can schedule equal games at both 1pm and 4pm EST and this will add more value for NFL Sunday Ticket customers who have been very upset that they cannot keep up with 8 games at a time with hardly anything at 4pm. Also having less overall games will allow a lower price for NFL Sunday Ticket customers once it becames available on all companies.

In simple terms the NFL wants more games on free or cable TV in a national manner and if they do add more games it also gives them the chance to deal with their biggest complaint about NFL Sunday Ticket. Also having less overall games on Sundays will also reduce the so called issue of broadcasters losing advertising because of NFL Sunday Ticket customers. With less overall Sunday afternoon games on it means less overall advertising money lost.

This is without a doubt a very complex issue but I have it from a few very high sources that major changes to the way the NFL will be doing contracts and games will be coming at the end of both the NFL Sunday Ticket contracts and the end of both the CBS and Fox contracts. I'm also told that we might see a good chance that only one free OTA network will have games in the next contract. With so many customers having basic cable or better they feel it might be worthwhile to say have CBS and ESPN for Sunday afternoon games.

So in the future we could have the following below for example.

CBS free OTA doing many AFC games like today.
ESPN cable doing many NFC games like Fox does today.
NFL Network showing live national games each week on Thursday and Saturday Night.

Sunday and Monday night most likely would stay the same with one being a cable network and the other a free OTA network.

I know I went very long but I felt this was important to say what I've been told. The three biggest requests by NFL fans from what I'm told are below.

1. Biggest request is more national games on a non PPV package so a free OTA network or a cable channel like ESPN would be fine.

2. Second biggest request is to make NFL Sunday Ticket available to all companies.

3. Third biggest request by NFL Fans happens to be mainly from NFL Sunday Ticket fans who complain that lately way too many games are on at 1pm thus making the value of a very expensive package much lower.

Also I'm told that bars would also like fewer games on at 1pm as many bars have enough TVs to show 5 games but anything more gets much harder because of seating arrangements. Bars also would love having more national games on different days as that would drive more business. Simply this is a very big deal with many big players in support of this such as many bars.
They clearly have not seen the bar business as I viewed it with interest this week with MNF moving to ESPN.

In a word, it was absolutely dead compared to last year MNF. At many sports bars I saw 2-5 cars in the parking lot at 10pm. It would have been packed last year. This despite the 2nd largest number of viewers in the history of cable - yet its still down 35% from opening night last year.

Luckily they will realize this by 2010.
email to TWC

I also emailed Mr. Dressler this morning, below is my email, I will post his reply if/when I receive it.

Dear Mr. Dressler,

I am writing in regards to TWC's likelihood of carrying NFL network. I have heard both sides of the argument, TWC arguing that it should be in a sports tier package, and NFL network saying it should be a basic channel. If I am correct that seems to be the biggest hangup here.

You say you do not want to put a channel in the basic lineup that would make people that DON'T WANT NFL network have to pay for it.

I pay for all the shopping channels. I pay for the cooking channel. HGTV. History channel. hallmark channel. the list goes on and on and on. I don't want these, but I pay for them. Why is the NFL channel different? Is it because you know people want this channel, and know they'll pay for it. I just find it hard to accept your argument of not wanting to make people pay to NFL when they don't want it, when you shove other worthless channels (worthless to me at least) down our throats.

If you are really into tiers, how about making all channels be in tiers (cartoon tier, shopping tier, home and garden tier, local channels tier, etc). That way I could pick and choose my channels. My guess on why you do that is that you know that people wouldn't buy those tiers, am I correct?

Just my 2 cents, your comments would be appreciated.

stlrsfn2k5 said:
I pay for all the shopping channels.
It's my understanding that the shopping channels pay the providers to carry them, not the other way around. Therefore, you do NOT pay for them.
I pay for the cooking channel. HGTV. History channel. hallmark channel. the list goes on and on and on. I don't want these, but I pay for them. Why is the NFL channel different?
Again, no one outside of the negotiations really knows, but we've heard that NFL Net wants "too much" per subscriber and also wants to be in the base tier. TW isn't willing to charge *every* customer for this channel. They also want it in the sports tier and then they'll pay "per tier customer". Obviously that's much less attractive to NFL Net.
Is it because you know people want this channel, and know they'll pay for it.
I would hope that's exactly the case. Let people put their money where their mouth is !

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