sprite1741 said:
I asked about a hardware problem in my last phone call, they assured me it was software and 266 will correct it. Problem is, everytime I ask a question to the CSR's I get a different reply. Can't get a straight answer, but if the new ones are fixed I think dish needs to do some replacing of 811's in the field, at least for those of who have been complaining.
I don't think the CSR's via the phone get all the info they need on a consistent basis. When I was initially trying to get an 811, one CSR would tell me I wasn't on the waiting list, another CSR would tell me I was "near the top of the list".
After waiting another week (I'd been waiting for an 811 for a little over 2 months), I started writing emails. I made a very simple statement and asked a very simple question: why, as a long-time subscriber (6-7 years), should I keep getting delayed in my efforts to get an 811 receiver when I can drive into to town to a Best Buy where DirecTV has several models of HD receivers just sitting on shelves awaiting a buyer?
I received an email the next day apologizing for the delay and asking me when a convenient day would be for an 811 to be installed? 4 days later, two guys showed up, installed the 811 and took my 5000 away. In retrospect, with the SD video problem, I probably should've kept my model 5000 (at least until the dark video issue is resolved), but I wasn't aware of the problem (I had the 811 before I discovered this website) at that time.
So, I wrote the person I'd been conversing with and cc'd ceo@echostar with my questions about the dark video (which was after I'd found this site and discovered I wasn't alone in this problem) and received a reply the next day concerning the 266 update from a tech who seems to know what's what.
So, as it stands now, we're "a few weeks" (the tech told me) away from 266 hopefully fixing the problems. Now we have to see how long "a few weeks" are...