The List of HD DVD titles

I wonder why they havnt even announced the release of Lord of the Rings trilogy, or the Harry Potter movies, or the Matrix Trilogy. These movies would help getting alot of people on the HD Dvd side.
These titles are not from Universal (Warner and New Line, I believe), so they will not be HD DVD exclusive. But I surely wish to see them released soon. Hopefully later this year.
Latest additions to the list:

The Good Shepherd - 03/06/2007
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind - 04/24/2007
The Nutty Professor - 04/24/2007​

March of the Penguins - 03/27/2007​
Also, according to the list at the HD DVD Promotions Group website, the following Spielberg hits might be coming to HD DVD soon:

Jaws (Universal)
Jurassic Park (Universal)
E.T. (Universal)
More Weinstein/Genius titles to add to your list:

School for Scoundrels 3/27
Feast 3/27
Harsh Times 3/27

Good to see some more non-mainstream movies making it out there. Something only HD DVD can say. :)
Also, according to the list at the HD DVD Promotions Group website, the following Spielberg hits might be coming to HD DVD soon:

Jaws (Universal)
Jurassic Park (Universal)
E.T. (Universal)

No, they aren't coming. Somebody put out bad information.

Apology for our Contents List

The inclusion in the January 29 update of our "Coming Soon List" of three Steven Spielberg classics was an error on our part. The HD DVD Promotion Group expresses sincere apologies to Steven Spielberg, Universal Studios Home Entertainment and HD DVD fans for this mistake. We will endeavor to prevent any similar mistake and to provide accurate information.
Latest updates:

Digital Video Essentials - Delayed ( 03/27/2007 ?)
A Scanner Darkly - 04/10/2007
Dog Day Afternoon - 04/10/2007
School for Scoundrels - 04/17/2007
Feast - 04/17/2007
Alpha Dog - 05/01/2007
The Hitcher (2007) - 05/01/2007
Harsh Times - 05/08/2007
Black Christmas - 05/08/2007
Hurricane - 05/22/2007
Skeleton Key - 05/22/2007
Smokey and the Bandit - 05/22/2007​

Also, according to, the following HD-DVDs are rumored to be coming from Universal (some are not yet confirmed):

The Good Shepherd
Smokin' Aces
The Game
The Jerk
The Hitcher
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
The Nutty Professor​

Alpha Dog
The 40-Year-Old Virgin: Unrated
Smokey and the Bandit
Skeleton Key
The River
Midnight Run
The Frighteners
The Big Lebowski
Lost in Translation​

Bruce Almighty
Liar Liar
Born on the 4th of July
Scent of a Women
Monty Python's The Meaning of Life
Meet Joe Black
Being John Malkovich
Mystery Men
American Me
The Watcher

Billy Madison
The War
The Wedding Date
Dante's Peak
Cat in the Hat
Dead Silence
The Bourne Identity
The Nutty Professor 2
In Good Company
Streets of Fire
Hot Fuzz
Sea of Love
Shaun of the Dead
Deliver Us from Eva​

Heroes: Season One​

The Last Starfighter
Battlestar Galactica: Season One
For the Love of the Game
Knocked Up
The Getaway: Unrated
Patch Adams
Cat People​

Just wondering....I can understand that they would want to go back and release some of the old titles in the new format....but what about the new releases? I don't see any newer movies....example; like when they released MI 3 or Superman Returns...are they just not on the list? Forgive me if I missed something as I have not read the posts in a while and didn't go through every post.

Thats what im wondering, i and not going to spend money to buy a movie that i already own, and i could give a crap about movies like superman, it just makes no sence why they wouldnt be releasing more new realeases.
I think everyone on this website has abandoned HD DVD. One of the biggest recent release announcements, and no word of it here. Yikes. Well, here goes... all Universal titles:

Universal Announces Baker's Dozen HD DVD Catalog Titles For June
March 16, 2007

Universal Studios Home Entertainment has announced two waves of June HD DVD catalog titles totaling a whopping 13 in all.

On June 12, the studio will release 'Born on the Fourth of July,' 'Bruce Almighty,' 'Daylight,' 'Liar Liar,' 'Monty Python's The Meaning of Life' and 'Sneakers.' All will be presented in 1080p video and Dolby Digital Plus 5.1 audio, and we suspect include the same extra features as found on the standard DVD release, though that assumption is not yet confirmed.

Two weeks later on June 26, Universal will roll out 'American Me,' 'Being John Malkovich,' 'Bulletproof,' 'Mallrats,' 'Meet Joe Black,' 'Mystery Men' and 'The Watcher.' As with the June 12 titles, each will be presented in 1080p video and Dolby Digital 5.1 audio.

All of the thirteen announced titles will be on dedicated HD DVD discs as opposed to the more expensive Combo Format discs, and as such will carry an SRP of $29.98. We'll update each disc listing with extra features and high resolution cover art as they are made available.
There are some good titles, but once again i dont want to buy movies that i already own... hopefully they will release some new flicks too.
I think everyone on this website has abandoned HD DVD. One of the biggest recent release announcements, and no word of it here. Yikes. Well, here goes... all Universal titles:

Nope, some of us are still around, wasting too much time in the "War Zone" laughing at BDA's claim HD DVD is almost gone & that Blu-ray will make DVD's disappear within 3 years. :p

Just saw Universal's release announcement just yesterday. Some good titles; I definitely plan to buy several & Netflix several others. :up
I think everyone on this website has abandoned HD DVD.

Naw, they're just being hunted down and having the kool-aid forced upon them.

One of the biggest recent release announcements, and no word of it here. Yikes. Well, here goes... all Universal titles:
On June 12, the studio will release 'Born on the Fourth of July,' 'Bruce Almighty,' 'Daylight,' 'Liar Liar,' 'Monty Python's The Meaning of Life' and 'Sneakers.' All will be presented in 1080p video and Dolby Digital Plus 5.1 audio, and we suspect include the same extra features as found on the standard DVD release, though that assumption is not yet confirmed.

Pretty good titles. Competition!

Nope, some of us are still around, wasting too much time in the "War Zone" laughing at BDA's claim HD DVD is almost gone & that Blu-ray will make DVD's disappear within 3 years. :p

And yet you LAUGH! ;)

Actually, the claim was that they will SURPASS DVD in 3 years. After all, remember how SACD took over.... er, how the mini-disc.... er, how memory sticks ah, um- Maybe they're using the same calendar Dish does for 5xx NBR? :p

BTW, what is your favorite flavor in a sweet drink? :lick :dev
Pretty good titles. Competition!

And yet you LAUGH! ;)

Actually, the claim was that they will SURPASS DVD in 3 years. After all, remember how SACD took over.... er, how the mini-disc.... er, how memory sticks ah, um- Maybe they're using the same calendar Dish does for 5xx NBR? :p

BTW, what is your favorite flavor in a sweet drink? :lick :dev

Small point my friend, but, no, the BDA spokesman actually claimed Blu-ray would replace DVD's in 3 years, which was why I found it so laughable. :D

The Blu-ray disc association said on Thursday it aimed to replace the DVD storage format within three years.

"Within three years it will just be Blu-ray," Frank Simonis, the Blu-ray Disc Association's European chairman, said at the CeBIT technology trade show.

No likey Kool-Aid. I've decided to cut back on the caffeine and my posts in the "War Zone" and just sit back & enjoy my HD DVD's. I've already picked a couple from Universal's June releases I plan to pick up. And, when it's already 90 degrees in mid-March in Arizona, stock up on the (caffeine free) Ice Tea. :devil: :yikes

I found out that these two titles are comming out soon as import (French) only HD-DVD.

Elephant Man [HD DVD] March 27, 2007
Terminator 2: Judgment Day [HD DVD] April 3, 2007
As I posted over in the "War Zone", here's a list of upcoming HD DVD releases from March 27 through the end of June. 59 titles in all. :up
Titles exclusive to HD DVD in red:
(NOTE: Before someone points this out, I have indicated the May 22 release of The Matrix Trilogy as HD DVD only. No BD release is announced as of yet, but Warner is format neutral, so a BD version will probably be released at some time.)


March 27, 2007

* Children of Men (Universal)
* Happy Feet (Warner)
* March of the Penguins (Warner)
* National Geographic: Relentless Enemies (Warner)

April 03, 2007

* The Good Shepherd (Universal)

April 10, 2007

* Dog Day Afternoon (Warner)
* Payback: Straight Up - The Director's Cut (Paramount)
* A Scanner Darkly (Warner)

April 17, 2007

* Feast (Weinstein)
* The Game (Universal)
* The Jerk (Universal)
* School for Scoundrels (Genius)
* Smokin' Aces (Universal)

April 24, 2007

* Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (Universal)
* Failure to Launch (Paramount)
* The Nutty Professor (1996) (Universal)
* Planet Earth: The Complete Collection (BBC)

May 01, 2007

* Alpha Dog (Universal)
* Dreamgirls (DreamWorks)
* The Hitcher (2007) (Universal)

May 08, 2007

* Battle of the Bulge (Warner)
* Black Christmas (2006) (Weinstein)
* Harsh Times (Weinstein)
* The Road Warrior (Warner)

May 15, 2007

* The Fountain (Warner)

May 22, 2007

* The 40-Year-Old Virgin (Universal)
* The Complete Matrix Trilogy (Warner)
* Flags of Our Fathers (DreamWorks)
* Freedom Writers (Paramount)
* The Hurricane (2000) (Universal)
* M:I-2 (Paramount)
* Mission: Impossible (Paramount)
* The Skeleton Key (Universal)
* Smokey and the Bandit (Universal)
* The Ultimate Matrix Collection (Warner)

May 29, 2007

* The Big Lebowski (Universal)
* Dragonheart (Universal)
* The Frighteners: Director's Cut (Universal)
* Lost in Translation (Universal)
* Midnight Run (Universal)
* The River (Universal)

June 05, 2007

* Coming to America (Paramount)
* Trading Places (Paramount)

June 12, 2007

* Born on the Fourth of July (Universal)
* Bruce Almighty (Universal)
* Daylight (Universal)
* Liar Liar (Universal)
* Monty Python's The Meaning of Life (Universal)
* Sneakers (Universal)

June 26, 2007

* American Me (Universal)
* Being John Malkovich (Universal)
* Bulletproof (Universal)
* Freedom: Vol. 1 (Bandai Visual)
* Mallrats (Universal)
* Meet Joe Black (Universal)
* Mystery Men (Universal)
* The Watcher (Universal)
* Hustle & Flow (Paramount)
I have updated the list in the first post. Some of the latest additions (not yet mentioned above) include:

The Bourne Identity - 07/24/2007
Rio Bravo - no date announced
The Cowboys - no date announced
Breach - 06/05/2007
Letters from Iwo Jima - 05/22/2007
Yes Live in Montreux - June
Santana: Hymns for Peace - June
Deep Purple: They all Came Down to Montreux - June
John Wayne Classics coming to High Def from Warner

I have updated the list in the first post. Some of the latest additions (not yet mentioned above) include:

The Bourne Identity - 07/24/2007
Rio Bravo - no date announced
The Cowboys - no date announced
Breach - 06/05/2007
Letters from Iwo Jima - 05/22/2007
Yes Live in Montreux - June
Santana: Hymns for Peace - June
Deep Purple: They all Came Down to Montreux - June

Warner confirmed today both Rio Bravo & The Cowboys for release in HD DVD June 5. Also released in BD.I leave it to Ilya to update the first page. :)

I have "The Searchers", and it looks fantastic. I hope Warner does as good a job of restoring these two classics. :up

WB release info for HD DVD:

Copyright Info: (c) 1972 Warner Bros. Entertainment. All Rights Reserved.

The Cowboys
Product Type: Sell Through
Latest Promotion: New Release
Announce Date: 4/10/07
Order Date: 5/1/07
Street Date: 6/5/07
UPC: 085391142713
Cat#: 114271
ISBN: 1-4198-4946-8
Closed Captioning: Yes
MSRP: $28.99
Packaging Type: Elite Red HD Case
Media Quantity: 1
Disc Configuration:
1) HD-30DL
Soundtrack Language: English
Run Time: 134
Subtitles: English SDH, English, Francais, Latin Spanish
Aspect Ratio: Original Aspect Ratio - 2.40, Widescreen [16:9 Transfer]
Sound Quality: English 5.1 DDP
French 1.0 DDP
Latin Spanish 1.0 DDP

Rio Bravo
Announce Date: 4/10/07
Order Date: 5/1/07
Street Date: 6/5/07
UPC: 085391142737
Cat#: 114273
ISBN: 1-4198-4944-1
Closed Captioning: Yes
MSRP: $28.99
Packaging Type: Elite Red HD Case
Media Quantity: 1
Disc Configuration:
1) HD-30DL
Soundtrack Language: English
Run Time: 141
Subtitles: English SDH, English, Francais, Latin Spanish
Aspect Ratio: Original Aspect Ratio - 1.85, Widescreen [16:9 Transfer]
Sound Quality: English 1.0 DDP
French 1.0 DDP
I leave it to Ilya to update the first page. :)
Done. Thanks! :D

Also added:

Norbit - 06/05/2007
Zodiac - date not yet announced
Saturday Night Fever - date not yet announced
The Contract - 07/24/2007
Recent additions to the list:

Music and Lyrics - 06/12/2007
Blood Diamond - 07/02/2007
Dead Silence - 07/10/2007
The Host - 07/24/2007
Ghost - 07/24/2007

Sherlock Holmes

New Toshiba Blu-ray models
