the "I now have a hopper 3 and I have questions" thread

It may not be as simple as looking at a red light, but, press the Red button on a 40 remote or Options on a 50 or 52 remote and then press TV Activity. That will show any recordings in process as well as what tuners are in use. That's pretty simple...
Yes, I do this all of the time on my Wally. I was just saying that I can understand why someone would want a red recording indicator light, and I provided one possible reason why, that had not been previously discussed in this thread.

How would one "accidentally reboot" it, especially if you were going to check if a recording was in progress first, before this accidentally happens ?
I meant "reboot it on purpose, without thinking to check to see if a recording was in progress first" but that seemed to be a little long-winded (or whatever the typing equivalent of "long-winded" is) to be worth posting, but if you are going to insist that I be more specific...

My point was simply that a red recording light would be a good last-second reminder, especially if the red light is right next to the front-panel reset button. Even if you get up and go over to the receiver to unplug it, you might still notice the red light right before you reach for the plug. Does that answer your question?
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