The Horror Channel ?


SatelliteGuys Pro
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Supporting Founder
Jan 28, 2005
What happened to the Horror Channel ? It was to be shown last night (11/6) on the Mens Channel .
Oooop's I found the answer ...

Dear Fans,

It is with regret that we were not able to bring you our special first night of on-air programming. We were notified by our host, The Men's Channel, late yesterday that there was a technical issue that would result in the delay of our much-anticipated launch. We are currently working overtime with our partners to overcome this delay and bring you the successful launch of the first ever dedicated horror programming at the soonest possible time.

For those of you that may have subscribed to DISH recently on the basis that The Horror Channel was debuting but now wish to cancel your installation, you may contact DISH and notify them that you would elect to re-subscribe once The Horror Channel debuts. We continue to urge all horror fans to call their local cable or satellite provider and "Scream for The Horror Channel!"

In the meantime, consistent with our "No Fan Left Behind" campaign, please tune in to our website ( ) on November 11th to watch the launch show, A Tribute to George A. Romero in its entirety. You will be able to view it on your PC, and if you are a broadband subscriber, you may be able to view the program in full screen with little or no buffering time. We will be making additional public announcements regarding The Horror Channel Online broadband channel in the near future.

Despite the technical difficulties in airing our launch, we nonetheless were able to unveil the show to a packed private reception at the Chiller Theatre Convention last night. Among the attendees was none other than George A. Romero himself. The show was a huge hit, and the crowd went wild!

Please be patient as we work through our growing pains. We are diligent and steadfast in our quest to bring to you, our dedicated fans, the first 24-hour cable television horror channel. Stay tuned!!

- Nick Psaltos, Founder, and John Giunti, Co-Founder

Hopefuly they will get things worked out soon.I'm looking forward to checking this channel out.
Yeah, I know I would subscribe to DISH specifically to watch an old movie once a week at midnight. :rolleyes:

B-Movie Channel pulled this kind of thing for years- running a website that made it look like a big deal, when really it was on one evening a week on BUD and a few leased access cable channels.

I'd be more supportive if Monsters HD wasn't already on and these guys weren't such blatant liars.

It's funny that someone else has managed to cobble together a new hunting/fishing channel- it's on 10-12 hours a day on The Mens Channel- that hasn't gotten a mention. But these guys are tooting their horns despite the fact they couldn't get ONE leased-access show on the air when they said they would.
M Sparks said:
Yeah, I know I would subscribe to DISH specifically to watch an old movie once a week at midnight. :rolleyes:

B-Movie Channel pulled this kind of thing for years- running a website that made it look like a big deal, when really it was on one evening a week on BUD and a few leased access cable channels.

I'd be more supportive if Monsters HD wasn't already on and these guys weren't such blatant liars.

It's funny that someone else has managed to cobble together a new hunting/fishing channel- it's on 10-12 hours a day on The Mens Channel- that hasn't gotten a mention. But these guys are tooting their horns despite the fact they couldn't get ONE leased-access show on the air when they said they would.

In defense of them as much as they're screwing up they're trying to give us the movies FULL length as well as uncensored and they say it's been hard to swallow. Also this is different than TCM, you will see blood and gore on these channels so I'm sure the reason the Cable and Satellite companies have been so hesistant is because when this fully launches I'm sure some kid will end up flipping to it and a parent will complain no matter HOW much warning Cable and Satellite give them. Hopefully that parent will shut up after it's mentioned they sent out numerous flyers warning parents and an apology issued if said parent didn't receive it. I will be mad if this ends up like "Spawn" on HBO, an animated series on at MIDNIGHT and with warnings beforehand and STILL the parents bitched. How about you shut up and do your job as a parent and parent?
Why do you need The Horror Channel when you can have Monsters HD?

I'm looking at the Program Guide and here is the Monsters HD lineup from now until 5:00am tomorrow morning: Nightmare on Elm Street 4, Hellraiser, Cyborg, The Monster Squad, Waxwork, Waxwork II, Friday the 13th: The Final Chapter. I just don't see much of a market for the non-HD horror channel...especial when VOOM starts announcing carriage contracts in the near future. Oh the Horror of it.

Also, here is some of tomorrow's lineup (all in glorious HD): Werewolf Shadow, Monsterama, Hellbound: Hellraiser II, Humanoids From the Deep, Count Yorga Vampire, Gamera 3: Revenge of Iris, Friday 13 Part V. Plenty of old & new, good & bad, classic & unknown. Just order the VOOM HD Pak and you'll be plenty happy...expecially when you see what's coming starting in January.
riffjim4069 said:
I'm looking at the Program Guide and here is the Monsters HD lineup from now until 5:00am tomorrow morning: Nightmare on Elm Street 4, Hellraiser, Cyborg, The Monster Squad, Waxwork, Waxwork II, Friday the 13th: The Final Chapter. I just don't see much of a market for the non-HD horror channel...especial when VOOM starts announcing carriage contracts in the near future. Oh the Horror of it.

Also, here is some of tomorrow's lineup (all in glorious HD): Werewolf Shadow, Monsterama, Hellbound: Hellraiser II, Humanoids From the Deep, Count Yorga Vampire, Gamera 3: Revenge of Iris, Friday 13 Part V. Plenty of old & new, good & bad, classic & unknown. Just order the VOOM HD Pak and you'll be plenty happy...expecially when you see what's coming starting in January.

Here's the thing. Until VOOM gets off their ASSES and doesn't just carry movies uncut I won't be happy. I want original series by big time Horror people like THC will have since Showtime seems to be the only channel to care about us in that respect and "Masters Of Horror" is only 13 episodes then gone.
Sarang said:
Here's the thing. Until VOOM gets off their ASSES and doesn't just carry movies uncut I won't be happy. I want original series by big time Horror people like THC will have since Showtime seems to be the only channel to care about us in that respect and "Masters Of Horror" is only 13 episodes then gone.

Huh? Last week, I saw The Evil Dead AND Dawn Of The Dead ('78) in the middle of the afternoon on Voom. I didn't track them obsessively frame by frame, but they certainly seemed to be uncut. Dawn... was 137 minutes, which seems to be the original version according to IMDB. Evil Dead certainly didn't seem any different than any other version I've seen before.

It's true they both had "R" rated slates in front of them, but they seem to do that for nearly every movie. (Evil Dead had no rating until '94, when it got an NC-17, The R Rated Dawn... is heavily censored.) They do not use the MPAA copyrighted "R", so I think it's pretty meaningless.

Meanwhile, The Horror Channel's website states that they won't run anything particularly explicit until late-night. If these two flicks weren't TECHNICALLY "uncut", they were certainly far beyond anything Horror Channel is planning for a Sunday afternoon.

Don't get me wrong, I'd welcome The Horror Channel in any resolution. And Monsters HD needs a bigger library (which they've promised for '06). It's just that I've seen this kind of operation before. If they can get it together, bravo. But I don't think they'll be able to do it. Just because they have a good advisory board doesn't mean the management will be able to get this thing rolling.

I'd really like to know what the "technical problem" was.
Sarang said:
Also this is different than TCM, you will see blood and gore on these channels so I'm sure the reason the Cable and Satellite companies have been so hesistant

I'm not sure what TCM has to do with this. Gore movies are not the kind of thing they run on TCM, but if one fit in with their format, I'm sure it would be uncut. I can imagine they would run, say, The Exorcist uncut.

However, IFC is on basic cable tiers, and they run VERY explicit programming. They run Maniac regularly. I don't know if it's uncut- I watched maybe 10 minutes, but turned it off because I'm not mentally ill. (zombies & monsters are cool, but I'm not into sick crap like Maniac or Don't Go In The House)

I taped Suspiria off IFC once, and I'm pretty sure it was the long version.

BTW, isn't IFC and Voom the same company?

Sarang said:
How about you shut up and do your job as a parent and parent?

Sorry Sparks but as a TV consumer I get very few new Macabre series, very few new Horror and when HBO and the others get them I like to keep them. These parents always ruin my fun. I think they got "Duckman" taken off USA locally when it was around. GOD knows Network TV usually gets them in spurts. X-Files and some others followed but they bombed.
It would be nice if Showtime made themselves dedicated to being our provider of this programming. They gave us "Poltergeist: The Legacy" and "The Outer Limits" so why can't they give us more?
I know this sounds retarded but I would also like to see someone, THC or MonstersHD, carry "Are You Afraid Of the Dark?". Sure it was light but a good show. If MonstersHD runs all these old movies why can't they get ahold of TV shows? Are they too expensive to run without commercials or what?
Sparks I know MonstersHD provides them uncut I was just asking to get some original series in addition.
Sarang said:
Until VOOM gets off their ASSES and doesn't just carry movies uncut I won't be happy.

Sarang said:
Sparks I know MonstersHD provides them uncut I was just asking to get some original series in addition.

Oh, so you meant "carry more than just uncut movies". Gotcha. You gotta admit, that was a confusing sentence.

I think you're getting your hopes up too high for The Horror Channel. These guys have no major capital behind them, no programming muscle, ect. If they can get off the ground and develop a following, then you might see quality original programming somewhere down the road- maybe 5 years. There is a big difference between cobbling a documentary about Romero together and mounting an original, fiction series.

If I were you I would focus my efforts on lobbying Showtime and Monsters for more of this type of programming. They have the capital to handle it, and they are actually on the air.

BTW, I'd love to see a "Nick Classic" channel. Maybe replace Nick GAS, since it's all old shows anyway. Put on all those old live action Nick shows (including "Are You Afraid..."). They have a huge library of programming just sitting there. They did this for awhile with "The N", but now it seems to be mostly off-network sitcoms.
M Sparks said:
Oh, so you meant "carry more than just uncut movies". Gotcha. You gotta admit, that was a confusing sentence.

I think you're getting your hopes up too high for The Horror Channel. These guys have no major capital behind them, no programming muscle, ect. If they can get off the ground and develop a following, then you might see quality original programming somewhere down the road- maybe 5 years. There is a big difference between cobbling a documentary about Romero together and mounting an original, fiction series.

If I were you I would focus my efforts on lobbying Showtime and Monsters for more of this type of programming. They have the capital to handle it, and they are actually on the air.

BTW, I'd love to see a "Nick Classic" channel. Maybe replace Nick GAS, since it's all old shows anyway. Put on all those old live action Nick shows (including "Are You Afraid..."). They have a huge library of programming just sitting there. They did this for awhile with "The N", but now it seems to be mostly off-network sitcoms.

Why not just give us the Canadian network that some of Nick's old shows came from? They have BBC America so why can't we get QUALITY Canadian shows?

Selling a Dish Card without the Receiver its tied to?

Rubber boots a must?

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