I was referring to Levi returning from dinner (minimally armed, I expect) when the zip line got fragged by one of the Hollowmen setting off a mine. He entered the Gorge with maybe a machine gun (depending on how friendly Dasha was going to be

). When he went in, she was able to get herself armed for action, but she lost some stuff when she came down in the river. They both seemed to have plenty of ammo for the "spiders" and she obviously brought some grenades because she remembered her birthday.
I guess I can be generous and say the Lab might have had modern ammo compatible with their weapons. It had "modern" computer systems.
I suppose I should also crab about the tensile strength of the zip line. It got cut by the shrapnel so it isn't impossibly strong, but yet it was able to support the weight of a WWII half track and our two protagonists in addition to several of the Hollowmen. I was kinda surprised that they didn't cut the line trailing behind the half track when they realized that the horde was climbing the rope behind them. I know, I know, asking people to act smart in moments of stress…