I meant to ask 3 things but forgot (hoping somebody else did)
1. Will the DVR be able to go "back in time" in the guide so if theres a show that just ended (IE we turned it on almost all the way through and got only the credits that we could have a way to get this show so we can record the next time.
2. What kind of a buffer will the DVR use (how long).... I know on the newest cable boxes that it stores an hour in the buffer so if you see a show and it was tuned in the whole time and you schedule it to record that ep it will auto save the whole episode (the buffer stuff and any future time left on the episode).
3. Related to the scability and networking of 2 DVR's if you have 2 units (if theyre priced right i know i will).... so will the networking be smart enough if theres 2 schedule programs on at the same time it will record one program on one unit and the second on the other. Or have some way that if I turn one device on and want to watch live TV (and I have 2 units) and the unit im on is usilizing both its tuners if it will have some way to shift one of the recordings to the other unit.
1. Will the DVR be able to go "back in time" in the guide so if theres a show that just ended (IE we turned it on almost all the way through and got only the credits that we could have a way to get this show so we can record the next time.
2. What kind of a buffer will the DVR use (how long).... I know on the newest cable boxes that it stores an hour in the buffer so if you see a show and it was tuned in the whole time and you schedule it to record that ep it will auto save the whole episode (the buffer stuff and any future time left on the episode).
3. Related to the scability and networking of 2 DVR's if you have 2 units (if theyre priced right i know i will).... so will the networking be smart enough if theres 2 schedule programs on at the same time it will record one program on one unit and the second on the other. Or have some way that if I turn one device on and want to watch live TV (and I have 2 units) and the unit im on is usilizing both its tuners if it will have some way to shift one of the recordings to the other unit.