FYI, a new Ken Burns documentary on PBS. This is the 2nd part and conclusion of the movie and repeats at 9pm C, 12midnight and 2am. I'm sure the entire thing will repeat a few more times. It's very interesting, informative and intense story of the great drought and dust bowl conditions of the Midwest during the 1930's, is much more in-depth than any other
coverage I've ever seen on this part of our nation's history. I recommend it to everyone who wants to learn more on this subject. I haven't seen all of night one, but this 2nd part runs right at 2 hours, if you're recording. *My air times were taken from the national feed on satellite, Titan TV.
coverage I've ever seen on this part of our nation's history. I recommend it to everyone who wants to learn more on this subject. I haven't seen all of night one, but this 2nd part runs right at 2 hours, if you're recording. *My air times were taken from the national feed on satellite, Titan TV.