The day the earth stood still

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I've tried a couple times to read it as it was written but its one of those aquired tastes I guess much like Walt Witmon or Charles Baudelaire' both of whom I have read and enjoyed but has left others shaking their heads.

Off topic, but I've told others and now you--just skip the first 50-60 pages. I don't know if it's the preface, forward, introduction, or what, but it has nothing to do with the actual story. Most of the names aren't even mentioned again, and it doesn't matter if they are or not. It's pretty easy reading after that. :)
On topic again - I thoroughly enjoy the 1951 version of The Day the Earth Stood Still. It's one of my favorite movies and always will be.

However, I will give the new version a chance by eventually seeing it. As much as I love the first one though, the new version will have an uphill road.

And I agree with those who have mentioned that now most movies use CGI and gore instead of building suspense. It makes me less likely to empathize with the characters and, subsequently, I like the movie less because I wasn't involved.

And then there are some movies where the effects are so spectacular you like the movie just for the "eye candy." They are fun once in a while!
There was a movie that I saw as a young kid, way to young in fact because it gave me nightmares for a month. It had to of come out in the early to mid 70's and revolved around the death of a young teenage boy and his mother grieving over his death. She was alone in a large and dark house during a nasty thunderstorm when her dead son shows up at the front door not remembering anything about his death. Naturauly she's overwhelmed and brings him in after wich he starts to act weird and then eventualy tries to kill her and after she falls down a flight of stairs he comes out of the dark with a demonic face. The details I can offer are that the house was pitch black except for patches of white light here and there, it over looked a rocky ocean front cliff.

I dont remember the name of the movie given that I saw it when I was 4 or 5 but it had only very minor special effects to the tune of fake lightning and thunder, rain and wind and the demon face. Everything else was all suspence created by delayes and music wich could be seen as special effects and sounds and good acting.
Point taken on Casino Royale. From what I remember Peter Sellers bailed when it was halfway finished and they had to rescue the movie somehow doing things like hiring David Niven and Woody Allen. Also James Bond books often have things in them removed to make them more contemporary. For instance, IIRC the baddie in Moonraker was a Nazi. They did add the 'master race' aspect (as opposed to him just wanting nuke London) but I suppose the idea a Neo-Nazi was too serious of an idea to fit into contemporary James Bond movie.

On topic: As for the remake, I have little hopes for it since it seems that its going to be a nice alien coming to tell us to save ourselves or we die. The planet will recover but we will be long long long gone. Anyways, far less than the 'mend your ways or we will exterminate you' message. Gort should be cool. Actually maybe I already posted that :D

It would have still been relevant when you consider Star Wars weapons and the first probes leaving the solar system a few years ago. However, I am always willing to be surprised and maybe they got rid of that idea. I just hope Keanu doesnt do Neo :eek:
I dont think Keanu will do the Neo bit but I already like the twist of using a humanoid robot inplace of the iron man from the original wich is a big step into what's contemporary. Back then robots where still a new thing and the original Gort fit perfectly into the times and had the desired effect.

From what I see in the trailer's it doesnt look like its a message of take care of your planet or else because of the what looks to be swarm of metallic locusts that devour what ever is in their path. Now if Keanu isnt Gort but actually the human looking traveler then what does Gort look like or could that swarm actually be Gort? As I recall Gort did show his ability in the original film by disintigrating a tank or a soldier with a ray beam right?
As I recall Gort did show his ability in the original film by disintigrating a tank or a soldier with a ray beam right?

Yes, the original Cylon eye except that his shot a ray beam at various weapons, a couple soldiers and a wall. Good point tho. Maybe the trailer showed the 2008 version of one of Gort's weapons. After all there has to be something that can go after jets, helicopters and missles. Let's hope that Gort is a leggy big-chested blonde. :p
Ok as of lastnight the new trailers show the metal man and he follows almost to the T what the original looked like but smooth lines and not as rigid as the original.
There was a movie that I saw as a young kid, way to young in fact because it gave me nightmares for a month. It had to of come out in the early to mid 70's and revolved around the death of a young teenage boy and his mother grieving over his death. She was alone in a large and dark house during a nasty thunderstorm when her dead son shows up at the front door not remembering anything about his death. Naturauly she's overwhelmed and brings him in after wich he starts to act weird and then eventualy tries to kill her and after she falls down a flight of stairs he comes out of the dark with a demonic face. The details I can offer are that the house was pitch black except for patches of white light here and there, it over looked a rocky ocean front cliff.

I dont remember the name of the movie given that I saw it when I was 4 or 5 but it had only very minor special effects to the tune of fake lightning and thunder, rain and wind and the demon face. Everything else was all suspence created by delayes and music wich could be seen as special effects and sounds and good acting.

That's the classic "Monkey's paw" story you are talking about. The Monkey's Paw - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

However, I think you mean the 1977 Dan Curtis ("Dark Shadows" fame) trilogy movie called "DEAD OF NIGHT". That's the 3rd of the 3 stories in that movie, and the best one. I have the vhs tape of this. I like it...

[ame=] Dead of Night: Anjanette Comer, Joan Hackett, Patrick Macnee, E.J. André, Ed Begley Jr., Horst Buchholz, Elisha Cook Jr., Ann Doran, Christina Hart, Lee Montgomery, Stephen Powers, Dan Curtis, Richard Matheson: Video[/ame]
Ok as of lastnight the new trailers show the metal man and he follows almost to the T what the original looked like but smooth lines and not as rigid as the original.

It is hard to tell much from a trailer, but the one I saw yesterday did nothing to convince me that this was going to be worth watching. The original really had almost no special effects, and relied on the message. The new one looks to bve nothing but special effects, with a trendy new message.

"If the earth dies, mankind will die. If humans die out, the world will survive." (or something like that) Big heavy handed ecological message.
The original was a "perfect" movie. Any attempt to update it will fail. :)

But really the original movie has a very heavy-handed message delivered as an ultimatum. Though it was not about ecology, the anti-was message at the time was a trendy thing in Hollywood just before the McCarthy era began.

See ya
The other part of the message in that movie was that the rest of the universe didnt give a damn whether or not we blew ourselves up.... so long as we didnt venture out into space. The fear was the introduction of an unstable and dangerous element into their society so they had a vested interest in sending Klatuu to Earth with his warning. Exactly what vested interest will they have this time concerning whether or not we kill ourselves? Why should they care? Unless...... they dont want us to screw up the planet so it will be easier for them to colonize it and make us all slaves. Oh wait, thats the X-Files. :D
I think this new version is just plain BAD! I'm a fan of the original, so perhaps I'm prejudiced. It's not even "bad-fun" like some old movies, just bad!
I will say that Keanu finally found a movie for his style of acting, which is like a bland robot or zombie sort of method.

Avoid it at all costs! You have been warned.....

24% on the tomatometer:

The Day the Earth Stood Still Movie Reviews, Pictures - Rotten Tomatoes
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Yeah, I've heard so much bad about it, I've taken it off my Amazon Wish List. Don't even want it for free.

I'm hoping someone will gift me the BD version of Dr. Strangelove. Really happy that one came out on BD. Now, for Red Alert, On the Beach and Fail Safe on Blu-ray. I doubt we'll ever see Alas Babyon as any movie, much less a BD.
I wasnt a big fan of the original and tend to be a believer that a remake can be better than the original if its done right. Reeves can be a bit dry but his acting is better suited for scifi shows and deadpan country characters. I havent heard anything bad yet but then again I have been working long hours this week.
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