Since my local CW station is in horrible bit-starved SD, I've started watching some of the series I like via HuluPlus and Netflix.
But it is so irritating, here's why.
On Netflix I can see older seasons after they've released on DVD (I assume). That's important because I didn't keep up with the series because of the aforementioned horrid SD! That's well and good.
Enter HuluPlus. While they have the current seasons on, they don't have all of the current season. Just the last 4-6 episodes!
So there's a gap between the end of say, season 2 and the current season 3 of a series. And I've found no legal way to find the current season's beginning episodes of many of the series!
But it is so irritating, here's why.
On Netflix I can see older seasons after they've released on DVD (I assume). That's important because I didn't keep up with the series because of the aforementioned horrid SD! That's well and good.
Enter HuluPlus. While they have the current seasons on, they don't have all of the current season. Just the last 4-6 episodes!
So there's a gap between the end of say, season 2 and the current season 3 of a series. And I've found no legal way to find the current season's beginning episodes of many of the series!