Missed seeing that button (before I posted??). After I entered the post, I just got a "Cant post to old threads, hit OK to cancel" type warning. No option.
I think all of us nerds would like to be Leonard. He's the guy who has a clue how the normal world operates. He understands, but isn't quite like the others. Unfortunately, we probably have some of all of them in us. For example, my wife always accused me of being so logical when we argued. Yep, her point? Isn't logic at the core of any argument? (hint: no!)
I also think the non-nerds like the show because it allows them to have a laugh at our expense. They always present the nerd thinking at a level where the "normal" person can almost get it well enough to find it funny.
Don't feel bad about missing the bump-over-ride. IT happened to me too, and I am an admin.

YES, Leonard is very much likable. Sheldon, on the other hand, has serious problems. Although funny as hell. (The line about the Sarah Connor had me rolling on the floor) . AND every geek loves the idea of Leonard getting the hot chick... even if he doesn't quite know what to do with her, or how to interact with her.