The battle to save Christmas goes on offensive

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Racist and racism are terms that are way to easily placed on anything anyone thats of the majority says because to many people walk around with they're feelings held out in front of them like divining rods looking for water. Is it so bad for a Christian to say "Merry Christmas" to someone that is not Christian? Is it offensive for a Jewish person to say "Happy Hanukkah" to a Buddhist or for a Muslim to wish an Irish catholic a "Wonderful Kwanzaa"? I don't think so because its a season of various holidays all with similar meanings behind them meant to bring us all together.
I have had people wish me a Merry Christmas who were Jewish, Muslim, heck a wiccan and an atheist have wished me a Merry Christmas even. In my many careers I have also been wished a Happy Hanukkah and a Wonderful Kwanzaa as well and never have I taken offense to it because I guess I'm not one of the minority that walks around looking for any excuse to complain about something however trivial it is. If you take offense at someone wishing you well for a holiday that you may not celebrate then maybe your an angry person and probably would get pissed off at anything positive that someone says to you to begin with.
Life is short for the good things and to long on all the bad, I don't know about anyone else but I want as much good as I can get out of what is left of my life and give my daughter all the good that she can handle and I will wish anyone a Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, and a Joyous Kwanzaa that I want to and not give it a second though.
Merry Christmas to all, Happy Hanukkah to all, and a Joyous Kwanzaa to everyone.
Most Jews I know are not offended, actually most look forward to this time of the year because of Hanukah and Christmas with all the lights, etc. just adds a little touch to the season. I am not offend if a Jew said to me Happy Hanukah, I would reply Merry Christmas and just let it be. Problem is people want something to get worked up about. Stop!!!, find something else to do like mind your business to start. I have no problem around here, as far as I am concern we are all brothers and sisters that are branded different. again Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, Happy Hanukah to all !!!
No big deal :) Happy to see it being played in all the directions.

Dunno why stores don't just put a "happy holidays" banner with the various holidays and their wishful greetings below such :)


Merry Christmas ;)
Guys like van and myself and lot of us here aren't going to get offended if someone guesses our holiday-of-choice wrong, but we're not the ones complaining either. We're not the ones going to the target manager or the TV producer and saying they're being insensitive.

I'm just pointing out the issue at hand, I could care less if someone guesses wrong around me.
There has to be a point where the majority should not have to give into the minority, its the same as this jackass lawyer in california thats going after the phrase " In god we trust" thats on our currency. He's doing this because he is athiest, he is also the same lawyer that went after the pledge of alegiance in public schools because he "didnt want it forced on his child". Ok so if he doesnt want that forced on his kid then why is he forcing his belief that there is no god on his own child?
Separation of chuch and State is important. However, what many extremist Pc'ers forget is that many if not most of the religious inscriptions on building, etc., are historical in nature and indicative of the tenor of the times. They are the same people that would probably want elevators to be installed on the pyramids so they would be easier to access, rather than accept them for the historical values that they represent.
To me this whole thing seems like manufactured persecution. I am a Jew and if I was offended by someone wishing me a merry Christmas, the best thing for me to do would be to lock myself up at home from Thanksgiving to New Years (although these days maybe I better start in August :D).

I always thought that Christmas spirit was supposed to be about the holiday itself. If people want to get worked up over something, how about the commercialization of Christmas, rather than what the stores call it?

How about the people so upset about this offer the following proposal: We'll all call it Christmas and they can lobby to have it removed as the only religious national holiday. Seems like a fair exchange, doesn't it?
It's funny, until a few weeks ago no one seemed to even realize that christmas, the biggest holiday of the year which gets bigger every year, was suddenly in danger....

So this upscale shopping mall ran a commercial last night on the radio, wishing everyone a happy mention of christmas at all, but encouraged people to stop by with their kids for the chanukah party...OMG I was dying at how funny that is considering what's going on right now. Can't get a bigger F-U than that...

Hey christians, the rest of us are enjoying ourselves while you're getting worked up over nothing. Maybe if you'd be quiet and enjoy it, you'd see there's no danger that christmas is going away or that it's becoming a gay holiday or whatever the damn issue is supposed to be...

BTW, how can christians be worked up over this when the gays are still running around free? Did they get bored with that or will they go back to being hate-filled against gay people in january? I didn't get my new christian-hate calendar yet so i'm unsure of what's going on...
Purogamer said:
But this topic is super offensive to jewish people...seriously...
I have a good friend from college who is Jewish. I send him Christmas cards and he sends me Happy Hanukkah cards. Neither one of us is offended.

People get WAY too offended by things that they perceive as slights that actually aren't.
Purogamer said:
So this upscale shopping mall ran a commercial last night on the radio, wishing everyone a happy mention of christmas at all, but encouraged people to stop by with their kids for the chanukah party...OMG I was dying at how funny that is considering what's going on right now. Can't get a bigger F-U than that...

This is the issue, the exclusion of Christmas.

Purogamer said:
BTW, how can christians be worked up over this when the gays are still running around free? Did they get bored with that or will they go back to being hate-filled against gay people in january? I didn't get my new christian-hate calendar yet so i'm unsure of what's going on

Sounds to me like you are the one that hates.
Yes, ignorance does annoy the hell out of me...

People who think christmas is in some sort of danger, and believe that gay people are the devil or whatever just rubs me the wrong way. Who's the wildest girl at the party? The preacher's daughter and everyone knows it...
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