Well I hate to say I told ya'll so , but I did over a year ago in fact, after I gave up the 922 I paid to own and traded it back in for a new 722k instead. I saw the writing on the wall in 2010 , when I saw how many standard items the "flagship receiver " didn't have, that the older Vip receivers did have, not to mention all the glitches and bugs the 922 had back then. Now DISH put all their techs on the new Hopper /Joey system and pulled the 922 for " BMP software compatibility.". All I can say folks after 15 years with DISH this month, is wait for it...... Don't be the first to upgrade to the new Hopper system. Let it hit the market and let the reviews come in, then if it has all the things you want and it sounds like it works well, then and ONLY then , should you upgrade. And this time , for the first time ever, I am saying this : DON'T pay to own the new system. Do the commitment instead and let DISH own it. That way you aren't out the money like I was on the 922 and the older 921 receiver. That bad boy cost me $1000.00 to own. NEVER AGAIN . Lets all say that together: NEVER AGAIN DISH.:rant: