The 8 Temp HD Channels...

The only thing I can think of is the channels are ready to go
in there system, but the contracts with the channel providers
is not done yet.
space86, unless you have inside information there's no way of telling when the 8 HD temp channels will be activated...unless, of course, there's late breaking news...

And there are, unfortunately, 40 of them. Let's hope they're low-bandwidth. I don't know why they don't just leave them on the satellite they're on now.
8 temp and charlie cannot hire full time people. Poor charlie he is not running dish full time. 8 temps will soon be 20 temps with no new HD until February 2020.
Who says that there is even content on those channels? Last we heard I thought the bitrates showed that most were just slates...
I think maybe January they will light up. D* isn't doing anything , so I doubt E* going to Untill D* says they are going to. My guess After D* launches D12.

DirecTV is advertising now that they have the capability to do 200 HD channels. Did they ever get to 150 as they claimed? I stopped following the numbers game a long time ago. The lies in the ads is more fascinating to me.
DirecTV is advertising now that they have the capability to do 200 HD channels. Did they ever get to 150 as they claimed? I stopped following the numbers game a long time ago. The lies in the ads is more fascinating to me.
The ads i see for directv say soon they will have capacity for 200. Havent seen an ad saying they now have that capacity.From their website...
DIRECTV has the most channels in HD. Period.

If you want to get the most from your flatscreen, you need DIRECTV. With the most full-time HD channels now — we'll soon be able deliver over 200 — DIRECTV has more of the channels you want to watch than anyone. Don't be fooled by Dish Network's HD channel count — they include part-time HD channels and full-time exaggeration. As for cable, it's not even close — DIRECTV has, on average, twice as many of your favorite HD channels.5
The ads i see for directv say soon they will have capacity for 200. Havent seen an ad saying they now have that capacity.From their website...
DIRECTV has the most channels in HD. Period.

If you want to get the most from your flatscreen, you need DIRECTV. With the most full-time HD channels now — we'll soon be able deliver over 200 — DIRECTV has more of the channels you want to watch than anyone. Don't be fooled by Dish Network's HD channel count — they include part-time HD channels and full-time exaggeration. As for cable, it's not even close — DIRECTV has, on average, twice as many of your favorite HD channels.5

According this mapped channel count EKB: DirecTV vs Dish Network HD Comparison Direc has more RSNs and PPV. Not more of the mainstream channels. Direc has 13 more HD channels than Dish including PPV and RSNs.
DirecTV is advertising now that they have the capability to do 200 HD channels. Did they ever get to 150 as they claimed? I stopped following the numbers game a long time ago. The lies in the ads is more fascinating to me.
Yea they have 130 of the worst excuse for HD channels ever. So I would say NO. They don't have 150.:)
DirecTV is advertising now that they have the capability to do 200 HD channels. Did they ever get to 150 as they claimed? I stopped following the numbers game a long time ago. The lies in the ads is more fascinating to me.

Please. Direc TV knows that capacity for 200 HD channels will be mostly HD LIL. It's a disingenuous claim. There aren't even 200 HD nationals available in addition to the current ones to put them on the added capacity. It really is all about HD LIL for both Dish and Direc TV, now. They will add nationals one or a few at a time.