That's it! See ya! (Wouldn't want to be ya!)

practice what u preach!!

ChetK said:
I'm out too. I've been thinking of doing this for a while now, but now it's time to say goodbye to all the family...M.I.C...See you later...K.E.Y...Why? Because none of us are really sure what will happen with Voom, E* or D*. M.O.U.S.E.

But in all seriousness: I have no ill will towards Voom. I hope they do well so that it puts fuel on the fire of the competitors. However, Voom has a lot to learn about the Satellite industry. You can't run a satellite company like a cable company. You can't make false promises. You can't have bad customer service. You can't have deceptive advertising/practices. You can't charge tax for states that don't charge out-of-state tax. You can't have sub-par picture quality. Now, they want to tell the investers that they won't spend over a certain amount per quarter. You know what that means for the consumer? It means that technology won't advance as fast as they'd like it to do to big budget constraints.

At first, I thought Voom listened to their customers. But the further I got into the lease program, I realized, they're just making us think they're listening to us.

Great idea...Poor execution.

Anyway, I just wanted to say bye to the helpful folks on this forum. I don't really care to hear your sarcastic remarks about why I'm posting that I'm leaving. Everybody that states why they're leaving gets flamed and I really couldn't care less. I'll continue to read the forum, but I won't post negative comments that aren't true just because I'm a previous customer. I might, be compelled to educate inquiring potential customers though.

Just to let you know what I'm doing: I cancelled Voom because I'm tired of paying nearly $100 a month for 21 exclusive bandwidth wasters that I don't even watch.
  • I find that BravoHD only shows the same 4 shows over and over (that's an exageration, but the only show I've ever watched there is the Goo Goo Dolls live and I think they show it every day.)
  • I don't watch Showtime because I don't like their original programming and I have already seen every movie on DVD before it gets to Showtime. Plus, macroblocking only does one thing for me: It takes me out of the movie.
  • Same goes for CinemaxHD and StarzHD.
  • TMCHD doesn't show anything I care to watch.
I realize that these are all programming complaints, but when I'm paying nearly $100 per month, I need to be happy with the programming.

So, since I still have the E* 6000U (that I own) I called Dish Network and I reactivated my account. They wanted to charge a $25 reactivation fee, but I nicely asked if they would wave it and they did with no problem. Now, I subscribe to their HD Pack ($9.90 per month) which gives me ESPNHD, Discovery HD Theater, TNTHD, HDNet and HDNet Movies. And I added HBO for $12.50 per month (compared to $19.90 plus or minus a few pennies I believe with Voom) because I like HBO's original series. So, I get all of that for $28 and some change. About a third of what I was paying for Voom.

You might say, "enjoy watching less HD." And to that I say, "Enjoy paying 3 times what I'm paying!" Go ahead and enjoy more HD and I'll go ahead and enjoy better HD. Once HD-DVDs or Blu-Ray hits the market, none of those additional channels will matter anyway.
I find it hilarious that you yourself say"I'm not gonna be like the others and say negative things when I leave". DUH?? Waddayou call "false promises", "deceptive advertising", "sub-par picture quality", and "bandwidth wasters"??????? You also sh*t on VOOM cuz the movie channels that every single provider in the USA carries have no content. Gee, that lousy VOOM service actually shows what Showtime gives them to show!!!Lousy bastards!!!!---lastly why cant someone bow out gracefelly and say "Voomm is not for me--goodbye and good luck;thanx for everything"". Its easy!!believe me!!
Dvlos said:
Why does everyone feel the need to post goodbye letters?
I didn't :D

I just come to entertain myself of the sufferings some of yall are going through. like the whining and crying bout the $10 programming rate increase. or people getting charged twice. or people who got charged $1000.
it's evil...but fun.. :p

mattyro and everyone else who is kissing vooms butt..i hope yall get charge twice this month! JUST KIDDING! :D :D
mattyro said:
I find it hilarious that you yourself say"I'm not gonna be like the others and say negative things when I leave".

I'm glad you got a giggle Mattyro.

mattyro said:
DUH?? Waddayou call "false promises", "deceptive advertising", "sub-par picture quality", and "bandwidth wasters"???????

The truth. :D

mattyro said:
You also sh*t on VOOM cuz the movie channels that every single provider in the USA carries have no content. Gee, that lousy VOOM service actually shows what Showtime gives them to show!!!Lousy bastards!!!!

I never attributed Showtime's (or any of the programming providers) lack of personally bad programming to Voom. Where did you read that? I just stated my reasons for leaving so that potential new customers could see exactly why I left. I'd hate for them to think it was only Voom. I left for several reasons. Voom being 90% of the reason. 3rd party programmers being the other 10%.

I could have mentioned how bad Showtime looks on Voom compared to Dish Network, but I didn't. I could have also mentioned that if I wanted Showtime, I could get it from Dish Network for $12.50 instead of $20 (rounded) from Voom. Worse quality for more money. Something ain't right there.

mattyro said:
---lastly why cant someone bow out gracefelly and say "Voomm is not for me--goodbye and good luck;thanx for everything"". Its easy!!believe me!!
Because I didn't want to. If you don't like what I have to say, don't read it. Appearently you read the entire thing.

hornmdt said:
Well, enjoy your 6 or 7 channels at 1/3 the cost vs. the 1/20 number of channels you now have compared to what you had at Voom. My math says you did not make a good financial decision...

I don't think you got my point. Subtract all of the 21 channels I didn't watch (the exclusives) plus the other HD channels I didn't watch (Cinemax, Starz, Bravo and TMC) and now I have more than 1/2 the HD channels at 1/3 the cost. :D Just for the sake of argument, let's say that's $70/month. That's $840 per year. I think I can enjoy watching 7 HD channels instead of 13 or 14 channels of HD a lot more now that I'll be saving $840. I'd be willing to be that I'll be able to buy an HD-DVD/Blu-ray player if it come out within a year for that kind of money. Imagin how many discs I could buy. :D

Let me finally say this: I told everyone here the honest truth about my feelings and why I left. If you don't like it, that's fine. For some people, Voom is great! Wonderful! Glorious! I can appreciate that. For me it wasn't! I gave them an honest shot and a chance to fix issues. It didn't happen. I own an online business and if I ran my business like Voom runs theirs, I'd be out of business fast. As a matter of fact, I probably would have been sued by now.
Dish would not set me an account up because of tarnished credit. Even if I put a credit card up for guarantee. That makes them about as usefull as a giant hemorrhoid to me. VOOM lets you rent the boxes, too and has no commitment. Dish and Direct can want your first born child and a letter from your mother, along with cash money for their boxes. To me, it is a no-brainer. I'll keep my VOOM!!!!
Well I just looked at my voom bill and I was wrong about 106 a month. Its $112.01 a month and Voom wants another $10 making my bill to $122.01 starting on Jan 1. Thats about a 10% increase, my raise this year was 3% I doubt many here got a 10% raise.

Anyway after looking at DirectTV (I haven't been screwed by them yet). I can get a Tivo, the basic service and HBO for $73.00 per month. I don't care to stick with HD because its too damn expensive and I spend more time on the computer than watching TV. So I guess I'm going backwards. I'd rather have a Tivo and watch TV when I watch then have HD channels full of reruns I don't want to watch or pay for. I think when Voom eventually gets the DVR it will cost $20 per month + plus $10 for PG fee. I can't afford $150.00 a month for HD programming I only watch about 20-30 hours a month of HD.

The only way I'd keep Voom is drop the all the channels except HBO (but I'll get screwed by the new pricing), but I need to have a Tivo working. Can anybody point me to how Tivo does/doesn't work with Voom on SD channels? Perhaps then I'd stay for a while longer. Otherwise I'm just going to go to Direct and save about $468.00 a year.

I was hoping Voom would kick everyones ass in HD and satellite market, but this price increase, the bogus $5 mirroring fee, over the top prices for HBO, charging too much for extra room STB rentals, shows justs me these people are going to screw me in ways Cox Comm. can only dream about.

I hope they work out and in 1-2 years I'll come back to them after the price of DVR comes down and Blue Ray comes out and perhaps they'll have good stuff on the 21 channels that are worth the monthly fee.

I think Voom just 'jumped the shark' over the DVR lies and price increase.
red ufo said:
I hope they work out and in 1-2 years I'll come back to them after the price of DVR comes down and Blue Ray comes out and perhaps they'll have good stuff on the 21 channels that are worth the monthly fee.

I think Voom just 'jumped the shark' over the DVR lies and price increase.

by then directv and dish will wake up and smell hd. if voom is gonna get better in 2 yours..why the crap wouldnt they?

right now WAS voom's time to offer some bad ass hdtv programming and get everyone who is cravin for hd on their side. but nope...

i should have known by the fruity colors :p
Your comments will be missed, ChetK (Most of them, anyway)

DarrellP said:
Not exactly in those words, but many people here want to believe there are no PQ issues with VOOM. :(
For Some of us, Darrell, those issues simply do not exist.

I was in CCity (where I bought my current Sony RP) just the other day and compared the images on all the HD units on the floor. (My Sony was THE BEST on the floor when I made my purchase 3+ years ago.) Now the RPs look like crap compared to the newer stuff.
The point is: If my set can't show me the difference, then I won't be able to see it, no matter how many times I hear about it.
And please don't criticize those of us that have less wonderful equipment than you. I paid 3k for my set, and I have been very happy with it. I just bought early on, when the prices were high for anything "HD Ready". I'm certainly not going to purchase a new set to prove you right, especially if it's going to make me as hard to please as some of the posters.

As long as there are different sets, eyes, and conditions, there will be different opinions. My opinion is that a flaw I can't see is not an issue - not with me, anyway.

I guess ignorance is bliss. I enjoy being very happy with voom. :D

See ya later, Chet.
techcop: you can't really draw any conclusion from what you see in stores. crt rptv don't look too good next to the digital set in a bright showroom.

my guess is if you have an alternative good source of hd, you WILL see the difference on your set. doesn't matter that it's 3 yo. if it's a good set to begin with (and you said it was the best when you bought it), and well calibrated, the pq will be in some ways equal or even better than all but the high end plasmas. don't you get ota? compare some of the hd shows on CBS (csi, etc.) and leno with what you see on voom.
I have, Barth...

Some OTA's look good, some bad, some ugly. Same for VOOM, IMO. I don't think the best PQ I've seen was OTA, though. Many of the original channel events seem to excel, at least in my eyes. I like the PQ on Rave and Monsters as much as any I have seen, but it changes with content. I've watched Leno and CSI on OTA, you are very right, they are awesome, too.

The Tyson fight set the standard for me...It was not ota...
I find more difference in the content than in the source.
But some sources (channels) stink all the time.

Some of it will always be in the eye of the beholder.
red ufo said:
Right now Direct TV has 4 months for free for new members.

Frankly I don't care about HD, I'd rather have a tivo then invest 100 a month into a company who is mortally wounded financially. Maybe around Jan I'll go with DirectTV HD stuff on HBO.

Like I said, I'm not trashing Voom, but no longer interested in HD just for HD sake. I'd rather have more channels and Tivo

If all you want is a PVR, then go pick-up a ReplayTV for about $100.

PQ comparison of HDTivo & Voom question

Why should you stay with (or subscribe to) Voom

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