Thanksgiving Contest - Free Glorystar DSR100c System - Enter to Win! Ends 12.1.2008

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Every year my family and I celebrate Thanksgiving with some kind words of what we're each thankful for, some turkey, and a Lions football game.....although that is getting tougher to stomach every year, this year may be the worst.
When I was in Grammar School, we would spend most of the day (Thanksgiving) with my Grandparents and eat way to much. There was always plenty to do, and eat, and seems like everyone on my Dad's side was there. My Aunts, who both still lived at home, would turn up the ole H-Fi player and play all those great Rock & Roll hits from the 50's & early 60's (which were New then), and we'd all dance and have a great time.
Then on Friday we would head over to my other Grandparents and do pretty much the same thing with my Mother's folks and have a great day. We would get out my Uncle's football (he would come down from Maryland for the Holiday) and take turns trying to knock Pecans out of the trees (of course I couldn't reach any when I tried). Uncle would climb up in the trees and try to shake the Pecans loose. We would take turns on the handle of the Ice Cream Churn and get to eat Peach or Strawberry Ice Cream when it was ready. It was all great until after dark when we would have to sit and look at slides from my Uncles many trips everywhere. I hated having to do that, but now some 40+ years later and after his passing, I sometimes find myself looking at his old slides. They are really great pictures, to bad I don't have a clue to what most of them are? I now wish I had paid more attention.....

Thanks Glorystar for the Contest
and Everyone have a Safe and Happy Thanksgiving
be sure and eat till you bust....!
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Best Thanksgiving memory has to be the final one with my Grandma. She was sick for quite a while ,but still was too stubborn to stay out of the kitchen.
Since surviving my heart attack back in August, everyday is now Thanksgiving day for me. I take nothing for granted anymore.

My wife and two sons are especially thankful I'm still around. :)
3 Years ago

It was not thanksgiving but Christmas three years ago that stand out in my mind. My twins were released from the N.I.C.U. at the hospital 2 days before Christmas so everyone in the family could see the new babies my wife had three weeks earlier. I was so happy to have babies home.

Thank you for the contest Glorystar

lots of great Thanksgiving memories especially with my folks. Almost always went to their place for thanksgiving. This will be he first year without them but they had lots of great years both in their 90's. My Dad got saved at 93 after 40 plus years of prayer. Miss em both but i will see them again

thanks glorystar and happy thanksgiving everybody. We all have a lot to be thankful for
Since surviving my heart attack back in August, everyday is now Thanksgiving day for me. I take nothing for granted anymore.

My wife and two sons are especially thankful I'm still around. :)
I knew what your feeling, it been over two years since heart attack, live well still and hope only need medications and no surgery for rest of my life, intent to live another twenty or thirty years. ho ho ho
Never really had a special event that I can think of. All of them are of the few times the entire family gets together and spends the day with everyone.
I would have to say that last Thanksgiving would have to be my most memorable. It was my first thanksgiving as a Father. Heidi Michelle was born on June 06, 2007 and her first years have been memorable for everyone. My whole family came to our house in Texas and it was the first major gathering, besides our wedding, where my parents and my wife's parents were all under the same roof for an extended period of time. We all enjoyed our dinner and spent the rest of the evening playing with Heidi and making the best of having the whole family there to enjoy and nurture the birth of a family.
My favorite Thanksgiving memories include being with my cousins on both my mother & father's side. When we get together it is always a fun time to be had, although we don't see each other as much now because a few of us have moved away from Ohio, we are still close because of those times we had together.
My favorite thanksgiving would have to be 2002. It was the first one we had in our new house. We invited all of our families and we did all of the cooking and cleaned up all of the mess. After it was over I remember thinking I had finally "made it". Even though I was 32 I finally felt like a man being able to start taking care of my family they way that they had taken care of me all of those years.
My best memory is when my wife and i bought our first house and had thanksgiving there with me and my wife's family. We had over 20 people stuffed into the smallest house on the block but we had the most fun.

Its been awhile since I visited the site...fitting contest albiet Canada has already had their thanksgiving (happy thanksgiving to our US brothers) so here goes:...
Not really a story, had so many good thanksgivings and other holidays. Just thought I'd put some of the things I've learned down in poem.

When times are good
and times are bad
for those we've lost
and loves we had

We enjoyed the company of our fellow souls
and filled our plates then our bowls

Loved ones near
and loved ones far
we never miss
until too late

For those of us
all humankind
Life can be an empty plate

In company good and company bad
we lift our hearts, and glasses
to share our joy, sadness and thoughts
Remember our fallen comrades

So fill your plates and remember when
our lives will meet again

Celebrate our loves and friends
The plate is full not empty
We will always say thanx for at the end
Our lives will be full of plenty.

Have a wonderful and thankful holiday guys....
My favorite Thanksgiving memories, when I was growing, every Thanksgiving morning my father would wake us boys up to go Turkey hunting. We would not go home until we had something to cook when we got home. We always killed one. I guess thats how the Pilgrims did it. God Bless America
Some of the stories here remind me why we are all here on earth . It seems like sometimes we all get to involved to realize what the important things in life really are.

My favorite Thanksgiving memories are when I was growing up. Dad would always go pheasant hunting before Thanksgiving and we would have turkey and wild pheasant on Turkey day.

Gods bless everyone
My favorite Thanksgiving was back in the mid 70s. We had a blizzard and stayed at my grandfather's house. I remember watching Adam-12 on TV the night before. I like to think back on all those great family get togethers from when I was a kid.
My favorite Thanksgiving was a few years ago where my wife and I spent time together getting to know one another and looking at Christmas lights.
My favorite Thanksgiving would be last years and honestly it wasn't planned that way.

Every year we go to my grandma's for Thanksgiving. Well this year we aren't. After 48 years in the same house my grandparents sold their house last month (they moved into a senior apartment complex). They didnt let us know that they were selling until the beginning of the year. And since the apartment is dramatically smaller than the house trying to fit 30 people (6 of which are little kids) just aint gonna cut it.

Like I told my grandma the other day
-I didnt have an issue with them deciding to sell the house (even though that was suppose to be my house after they left this world) ;)
-I didnt have an issue with them moving out
-I didnt have an issue with them selling it
-I was ecstatic when the new owners kept the bright Alice Chalmers orange front door :) (I told grandma if they didnt want it I wanted it for my front door)
-But this will be tough not going to grandmas to play football in the street with the rest of the family then eat and have good comapny this year..

On the positive side when we go to my dad's side I get to see my uncle for the first time in a few years. He lives on the Canadian border and with the crazy gas prices its not that easy to drive 7 hours one way just for a day or so. This year he has some time and will be down for Turkey Day :)
Two years ago, at 9:45am on a Sunday in early December, my heart stoped!! Tuesday at 5pm I woke up!! Surrounded by my family, and pipes down my nose and mouth.

Two days later I had an ICD implanted... Then is got infected, and had to come out. Three months with a pic in my arm, I had to give myself antibiotics for two hours twice a day.

Now I have another ICD. My last checkup and stress test was perfect!! Now I can Give Thanks.

Three months ago, I got laid off, at 57 it's hard to find work! I was the IT Manager for an association of realtors, and with the housing problems, they had to cut back. So I was gone.

$450 a week unemployment does not pay my rent. Which I have not paid this month. I've been on 3 interviews, and rejected for all. I apply, online, for 3 to 7 jobs a day. Most dont even reply. I also lost my health insurance... Now I have nothing to be thankfull for!

My kids are in good health, my wifes cancer has not returned, and I have my health.

This years Thanksgiving might be tough.. But I will give thanks for my family and friends.

My favorite Thanksgiving is the last one I had with my father in 2005 a months before he passed away that following June. He was always the table coordinator and would be the man to carve the turkey with the old 70's style rechargeable electric knife with duel blades.

Then my brothers and I would sit around the TV and talk about his dad, my grandfather on how things was when he was growing up, we talk cars, and just guy stuff while my mother and our wife's were in the kitchen cleaning up and giving out the desert. I miss my father a lot and wish he was still here to talk and just be a dad to us. He is in a better place now.

He died of cancer and fought the battle for over 8 years! I have great memories that I will never forget. I just bought a classic car and would love to talk about it this thanksgiving with him, he would have loved that. Cherish the time guys you have with loved ones here while you can, time files by so very fast then it runs out.
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