S Sean Mota SatelliteGuys Master Original poster Supporting Founder Sep 8, 2003 19,039 1,739 New York City Mar 7, 2005 #1 Free banning for anyone...
S Sean Mota SatelliteGuys Master Original poster Supporting Founder Sep 8, 2003 19,039 1,739 New York City Mar 7, 2005 #2 Scott, it did not work for me?
BFG SatelliteGuys Master Supporting Founder Mar 2, 2004 8,208 0 Orlando Mar 7, 2005 #3 heh, this is fun, I made on and it still appears to be there...
Scott Greczkowski Welcome HOME! Staff member HERE TO HELP YOU! Cutting Edge Sep 7, 2003 103,657 29,287 Newington, CT Mar 7, 2005 #4 It does not work for Staff or Pub Members.
TuxCoder Collector of Space Beams Supporting Founder Jul 8, 2004 2,052 3 Dayton, OH Mar 7, 2005 #5 Ah, another perk.
K korsjs Welcome To SatelliteGuys Supporting Founder Jan 25, 2004 7,583 0 Land O Lakes, FL Mar 7, 2005 #7 makes sense. usually it is someone who signs up new and then posts a bunch of junk, then you don't here/see from them again.
makes sense. usually it is someone who signs up new and then posts a bunch of junk, then you don't here/see from them again.
cdru Just another yahoo Supporting Founder Dec 4, 2003 1,117 0 Fort Wayne, Indiana Mar 8, 2005 #8 Sean Mota said: Free banning for anyone... Click to expand... No spammer every says just "Free". It's always FREe!!11! so some other stupid spelling with poor punctuation.
Sean Mota said: Free banning for anyone... Click to expand... No spammer every says just "Free". It's always FREe!!11! so some other stupid spelling with poor punctuation.