Thanks. I knew about the others. Just wasn't sure about NG
No problemo!
I thought it was 1080i initially also.
I thought upconverted programming came from 768p not 480i

Thanks. I knew about the others. Just wasn't sure about NG
TNTHD sure has a lot of upconverting and stretching going on.
Discounting the change to aspect ratio, different subject, which version of TNT has better PQ, the SD or HD version? To me the HD version has better PQ then the SD version.
I am sure it has already been said on here... but I will say it again.
Wow! These two channels look fantastic! NGHD looks is the best quality 720p channel I have ever seen on satellite!
Just a little off topic: Has anyone noticed that Disovery HD #76 changed their name to HD Theater? It's still showing on the guide as Discovery HD but the on screen logo has changed.
I am still getting "Channel Not Purchased" (like the other night. I have reset the receiver once, but I still have squat.
I have had "Recent Activity" for HD Access on my account and I even went through the menus at D* to "change" my programming. Still nothin'.
Any insiders with any thoughts / advice?
Why should I get a new converter? I have 480, 481, and 498. If I have those, the BBC should be fine, right?