I personally have just experienced a SD picture quality drop over the past week.
Everything was fine the last couple weeks- my PQ on all my TV's were sharp and vibrant with no background pixel blurring, true DVD quality, like it is supposed to be...now it is dull and flat with heavy background pixelling.
I checked and rechecked all my s-video wires and components, they are fine.
I called Dtv to let them know I am experiencing an issue, and with the knowledge I have about Dtv, ( from past experiences (I moved alot) I asked about some things and the rep was super excited to tell me that 25-30 channels were reciently added to the lineup -within the past week.
Hmmmmm. Coincedence? I think not.
I believe it is the overcompression limit they are tring to push.
This is exactly why I refuse to do any HD yet- get the regular system perfected first before you go mucking around with extra extras.
Plus, If I'm being billed as an individual customer, which I am, don't kill my PQ because larry jimo around the corner wants those 20 extra 1970's game show channels. That should affect his TV alone..not me too.
I agree w/ dragon's Guinness comment, but Sin ce I can no longer find Red Wolf, I'm a Killian's guy. I have left and not returned to resturants that don't carry it or stopped serving it.
I don't substitute.
The reason you can find all the Bud beers everywhere is not on popularity, it is basically because it is cheap... in every sense.