If you have equipment , use it . Be it older or new . Use what you have and instead of the same crap everyday about " we do not control what receiver you will get . " Tell the truth ! It is not that difficult . Something such as " we may be installing older equipment because the newer equipment is not keeping up with demand " . Not USED equipment . Just an older NEW model in the box . I find it amazing that NO ONE will accept blame here . And I do not mean on this forum . But , ON THIS FORUM , there are plenty of people that refuse to place the blame where it belongs . ON DIRECTV . It is all about being honest and truthful but , that would be bad business I guess . If I am told up front that I may be getting brand new OLDER equipment , I would ask what I am missing out on not getting a new model . I would expect to be told the truth so I can make a decision . More than likely , I will go ahead with scheduling the install . And I have said more than once that if I am scheduled for a new install and am called AFTER the time frame alotted to me to change the install date , BYE BYE ! Call me during the alotted time or , the best thing is to call me the day before to tell me you cannot show at that time and reschedule . THEN I MIGHT accept that and say ok . That way no one misses time from work and you know what to expect on the install . Of course this is a moot point if DIRECTV would tell the truth to the customer in the first place . I wrote all of this to make a simple request to fix what is broken . DIRECTV NEEDS TO BE HONEST UPFRONT ! End of story .
About your statement that Directv need to be honest......could I suggest that they do not lie. I have been installing their stuff for about ten years on and off and I have never detected dishonesty on the part of Directv.
What you are speaking of and looking for are clear statements that say what you expect. Directv tells you what you want to hear or think you understood. You need to get out a magnifier and a lawyer and read their small print explanation. This may not answer all questions but at least you will then understand the difference between honesty and advertisements.
Directv produces wealth for shareholders and owners. If they told you in advance about the problems and profit producing programs what would you do? There is no Santa Claus and installers do not bring equipment on silver platters.
What was the question?