Team Summit 922 Pics

Let's hope they change that (or at least make a 2.4 GHZ UHF remote that has real buttons!

I agree. The lack of alphanumeric buttons is disappointing. I really like the ability to use my keypad to text. It makes it easier to search for movies and shows.

However, on the plus side from the looks of the pics you can put RSS feeds on it.
The UI looks pretty, but that also concerns me a bit.

I'm not sure that a mouse pointer and pull down menus are conducive to performing actions quickly.
I hope they haven't focused solely on the mousing experience, and have kept the speed of the traditional arrow and select navigation in mind.

I also hope they have increased the 96 timers, 576 events limit that the 622 has, and addressed other sillier short comings like not having a "sort by episode number".
Man, I can't believe IR is not supported. Don't they realize the market they're cutting out?

Not being able to use my Harmony One may be a least until someone makes a convertor.
They totally not interesting in Harmony and other mfg remotes ! They want to sell more own remotes.

Then I am TOTALLY NOT interested in buying a 922! This is TOTALLY ridicilous! And if it's true with just 55hrs of HD recording time, I'll just keep my 722. Too bad, you might just loose another buyer. But oh well, what difference do a handful of buyers less make, if you have thirteen million of them.
I can see where the gui and sling is really cool, but you guys should consider the 722k. Im really loving the feel of the new remote and the 4 recordings at a time is just plain awesome.
2 Questions:

1. Is the TV3 monitor designed to easily mount on a treadmill or is it small enough to rig something up??

2. Any word on adding a Netflix widget?? This would be a good addition. Amazon maybe not since it competes directly with PPV.
Software for the 922 not finalized yet and no one own it, but ppl asking very narrow questions ... Lets wait for first production version and remember horrific Dish practice of launching first versions :(.
Software for the 922 not finalized yet and no one own it, but ppl asking very narrow questions ... Lets wait for first production version and remember horrific Dish practice of launching first versions :(.

Oh the horror of the first 921 DVRs.......I was in that first wave of owners!!
+6 -> I want my Harmony.... To watch TV I need to set up:
HDMI Switch
Optical Audio Swtich
Home Theater Audio
& TV.

The Harmony is a godsend. I hope Dish hasn't forgotten it's own history. They once had an RF-Only receiver. The customers were NOT happy.

Do we know for sure that the 922 does not accept IR? Is that an IR window on the right side ?
Keep bitching about the remote... Trust me they are listening. :)

I hope they include the new remotes plus a regular remote... or I hope they enable IR and let you use any Dish Network remote.

My feeling is you can use the arrow buttons on the remote to move the curser on the 922. and use the select as the enter trigger.

The new remote is cool, but it does not feel right trying to use it to watch TV.
Keep bitching about the remote... Trust me they are listening...

That's what I've done. On Friday, I sent the following email via the "contact us" on their site:
Please forward this to the appropriate person (i.e. the 922 development team):
Please, please, reconsider the 922's lack of IR support. Surely you know that a large number of your supporters/customers are home theater enthusiasts who have mid to high-end universal remote controls such has the Logitech Harmony series. Probably an even greater population are not home theater enthusiasts, yet still insist on the simplicity of a universal remote control. Information from CES and the internet indicates that you are not supporting IR on the 922. I implore you to reconsider IR support on the 922. We all want this flagship to be successful. This capability or lack thereof may make or break it.

Here was their reply:
Dear Mr. Hilton,
Thank you for your suggestions. We appreciate that you took the time to help us to improve our service. We will forward your e-mail to our Business Improvement Ideas department.
We realize that in today's competitive world you have a choice in services. We thank you for your continued support, and your business is greatly appreciated and we thank you for allowing us to be of assistance to you. If you have any further questions or concerns, please refer to Satellite Television - DISH Network - 1.888.825.2557 or reply to this email.
DISH Network is committed to providing world class customer service to our customers. In an effort to continually improve our services, we ask that you take time to complete this short survey to let us know how we are doing. We appreciate your time in evaluating our performance.
Click on the link below to start the survey:
DISH Network Customer Satisfaction Survey
[censored for confidentiality]
DISH Network ecare
Pine Brook

If you have any other ideas as to whom I should email or call, please let me know.

Line of sight website?

Planning to get Dish for the first time

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