Q. I want to estimate my payment. Please explain how it is figured.
A. Essentially, there are two parts to the stimulus payment: a basic amount based on tax liability, filing status or other qualifying factors if there is no tax liability and an additional amount based on whether a qualifying child is reported on the return.
Basic Amount of Payment: Taxpayers who had a net income tax liability will receive a payment, unless they can be claimed as dependents on someone else's return, are high-income individuals or do not have a valid Social Security Number.
The payment is equal to the taxpayer's net income tax liability, but no more than $600 for a single person or $1,200 for a married couple filing a joint return. The minimum payment is $300 for a single person or $600 for a married couple filing jointly.
People with no net income tax liability will usually get a minimum payment of $300 for a single person or $600 for a married couple filing jointly, as long as they have qualifying income of at least $3,000. To figure your qualifying income, add together the following amounts:
- Wages that are reported on Form W-2.
- Net self-employment income.
- Social Security benefits reported in box 5 of the 2007 Form 1099-SSA, which would have been received in January 2008. People who do not have a Form 1099-SSA may estimate their annual Social Security benefit by taking their monthly benefit and multiplying it by the number of months during the year they received the benefit.
- Certain Railroad Retirement benefits reported in box 5 of the 2007 Form 1099-RRB, which recipients would have received in January 2008.
- Veterans' benefits received in 2007, including veterans' disability compensation and pension or survivors' benefits received from the Department of Veterans Affairs. People who weren't required to file a tax return can estimate their annual veterans' benefits by taking their monthly benefit and multiplying it by the number of months during the year they received the benefit.
- Nontaxable combat pay if the taxpayer elects to include it as earned income.