
The Tailgater is automatic and points to 110/119/129 under the control of a 211. Are you sure you have a Tailgater? If you do, what is the model and firmware number on your 211?
Yes it is the tailgater I have a good app on my phone that showes me the satellite in the sky so I know if anything is blocking the dish ie trees other campers
I"ve been using a Tailgater for a couple of months now. The only real problem I've had is not getting a good signal on 129. The reflector is pretty small and a dark cloud can inhibit it's setup. It's a fully automatic setup, not much you can do manually to make it work other than making sure it has a clear view.

If you want to go to the point view screen and check for signal strength, I've had good luck looking at transponder 15 on 110 and 119 and transponder 29 on 129.
Yes it is the tailgater I have a good app on my phone that showes me the satellite in the sky so I know if anything is blocking the dish ie trees other campers

When you hook the tailgater up to your 211k, it will walk you through a setup, and scan for the satellites automatically. Is it not doing this? You do need to see all 3 satellites to receive all of your programming
Yes it is doing this I just need to what sats it is looking for so when I set it up nothing his blocking it view. I have dish pointer app for my iPhone but has a default it shows a a lot of sats just want to know which one to check in the app.
sguest9 said:
Yes it is doing this I just need to what sats it is looking for so when I set it up nothing his blocking it view. I have dish pointer app for my iPhone but has a default it shows a a lot of sats just want to know which one to check in the app.

Yeah, on your app eliminate all but the 119 110 and 129 west.

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