Sweet talking Voom into vavavoom?


SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
May 29, 2004
Too bad Voom ended their vavavoom $79.90 promo. Many (me at least) reluctantly got into VOom with their free-install promo and took the basic $39 promo package. Now that I am 100% sure I love voom and will keep it, I'd be willing to go to the vavavoom package. But now its $89.90 + the $9 rental fee. If voom was smart, they'd now offer the $79.90 vavavoom package to us new voomers that have been active for 2 months or more. Anyway, has anyone ever sweet talked voom into vavavoom for the promo price $79.90, since that promo ended? Current customers should get a break, now that we see voom is a keeper.
Just give 'em a call and tell the CSR you want VOOM at the $79 price. If that doesn't work, ask to speak to a supervisor...I'm sure someone in the food chain will be receptive to your wanting to pay them $30 more per month. If the supervisor doesn't work, ask to speak to the Head or Sales & Marketing, Wilt or Dolan himself.

I have VOOM plus the Starz Plus Pack...I would consider Va Va Voom but I don't have enough time to watch VOOM as it is.

P.S. I just finished watching Dream Lover and I thought the movie had a great ending...literally! And who says Cinema10 is worthless?
riffjim4069 said:
P.S. I just finished watching Dream Lover and I thought the movie had a great ending...literally! And who says Cinema10 is worthless?
I also enjoyed that movie. Last night I watched Operation Eichman and thoroughly enjoyed it. Man, this Voom rocks.
riffjim4069 said:
And who says Cinema10 is worthless?

I just think it needs some work, it's on the right track, you got genre specific channels like Classics/Divine/Gunslingers/Epics... now you need to make Comedy/Action/SciFi/Drama and increase the movie rotation from 2 to at least 4.. all in due time.
Speaking of DREAM LOVER, they redid the ending. Originally, it ended with him out of the loony ward, walking with his daughter. His daughter asks "what was mommy like", and he says "she was a wonderful woman" (something like that), then the movie ended. They now cut that last father/daughter scene. I liked it better left in, it proved that his plan did work. It is a very good movie anyhow.
As for voom, I'll try sweet talking voom cs. I found out my D* contract ends in 3 weeks. I now have the D* tivo (two) and wanted to dump D*. I stumbled upon the original tivo dvr's, now at $99 after rebate. I also discovered they now connect up to your network/cable modem service (I didnt know that). You can get the guide download online, rather than phone line. And two tivo's can now share their recordings from one tivo/room to another ( a great new feature), as well as play media on your home pc. And, tivo supports voom. And, two tivo's qualify for a reduced "second tivo" fee of $6.95 instead of two fee's of $12.95. All in all, the way to go in my opinion. Voom+tivo. I'll just put my two D* tivo's on ebay.
randym431 said:
Too bad Voom ended their vavavoom $79.90 promo. Many (me at least) reluctantly got into VOom with their free-install promo and took the basic $39 promo package. Now that I am 100% sure I love voom and will keep it, I'd be willing to go to the vavavoom package. But now its $89.90 + the $9 rental fee. If voom was smart, they'd now offer the $79.90 vavavoom package to us new voomers that have been active for 2 months or more. Anyway, has anyone ever sweet talked voom into vavavoom for the promo price $79.90, since that promo ended? Current customers should get a break, now that we see voom is a keeper.

I did it, about 1 week after I started watching standard "Voom". It was after the promo ended, but I just asked "is there any chance I can get Va Va Voom at the cheaper price?" She says "How much was it?" I was quickly thinking in my head now, should I try for a REALLY good deal or just be honest, I decided to just be honest. She said she sent out a hit and I should be up and running with the full package. Sure enough, when I got home I was Va Va Voomin.

Really, she didn't seem to hesitate at all to give me the promo.

I just finally called and the cs was hard headed. Just short direct answers:
ME:I got voom at the promo price and could I get vavavoom at that promo price?
CS: the promo ended, vavavoom is $89.
ME: so theres no way I get get the older price if I go to vavavoom.
CS: no!
ME: will another promo begin soon?
CS: I dont know.
ME: ok then.
CS: can I help you with anything else?
ME: nope, just wanted to ask.
CS: thanks for being a valued voom customer.
ME: eat sh*t (didnt really say this line, but felt good to type it here)
randym431 said:
I just finally called and the cs was hard headed. Just short direct answers:
ME:I got voom at the promo price and could I get vavavoom at that promo price?
CS: the promo ended, vavavoom is $89.
ME: so theres no way I get get the older price if I go to vavavoom.
CS: no!
ME: will another promo begin soon?
CS: I dont know.
ME: ok then.
CS: can I help you with anything else?
ME: nope, just wanted to ask.
CS: thanks for being a valued voom customer.
ME: eat sh*t (didnt really say this line, but felt good to type it here)

I had a similar conversation, though it seemed to be more difficult due to the extraordinary background noise coming from the CSR's call center. Sounded like there was lots of yelling in the background.

With the $19.90/month charge for HBO it means I'm paying $60/month before the STB rental and tax. I figured for $20/month more I'd go for Va Va Voom, but the extra $10/month didn't quite seem worth it. For me $105/month for TV is a bit of overkill! If a promo opened up during the Xmas shopping season I might bump up to Va Va Voom.

I ordered the Starz plus pack a short while before the new pricing took affect and verified the $39 and $79 prices will remain "as is" the rest of the year for existing customers...no matter how many changes in service you make.

I have both CSRs names and numbers on 7/24/2004 and again on 8/8/2004, in additional to the name of a supervisor. Also, I had this information noted on my account for further reference. If you wish, send me a PM and I will forward this information your way.

The new pricing is definitely firm and voom cs wont budge. Voom cs did say that there was a short "grace period" for customers who came in on the "basic $0 upfront" package, where they could upgrade to vavavoom for the old promo price of $79. However, that was only during their "grace period" (after the promo ended and the new higher prices had started). That "grace period" has ended. So, if you want vavavoom, as a current customer, you'll be paying the new $89.
If anyone that wants to go to vavavoom actually gets it for the old $79 price, post here. But from here on, its $89, unless a new promo starts. Thats one drawback in comparing D* to voom. D* cs usually were very very flexible and co-operate. Voom cs stick to the book. I wanted to go total voom and drop D* in Sept when my contract expires. But now... I have to give it more thought. Seems all these companies, D* Dish Cable or voom have their own quirks and in the end there all the same. I now am hoping D* does get their HD offerings together. I'd probably stick with them if they add more HD, as they say they will.
i remember awhile back when directv and ussb were two seperate entities, ussb wanted customers so badly they had some super secret promos you'd have to ask for it to get it i remember i only paid for all of the vh1/mtv/nickel/comedy etc.. plus hbo cinemax/showtime was only like $20 the full package was $35 (tmc was only thing missing) at the time but if you think about it you also get starz and tmc and that is 6 years later its not a bad price but i remember when starz was with directv and it only costed like $5 that was a steal of a deal now starz bundles their encore channels together when they were sold seperately and now double to triple jacked the price which is ridiculous. I wouldn't mind voom removing atleast tmc or cinemax from the vavavoom and lowering the price or something of that nature if you got hbo/showtime/starz is all you really need for movies etc.. Why voom not have a hbo/showtime combo and $20 less price?
Most cable providers and even Dish Network package HBO and Cinemax together. It is usally called the "HBO Max Pack". This is because bothe channels are owned by Time Warner.

I believe if you buy HBO with Dish you can get Max for just $3 more. I am suprised Voom charges $20 more
rtt2 said:
I believe if you buy HBO with Dish you can get Max for just $3 more. I am suprised Voom charges $20 more

Excuse me, but this is pure disinformation. Voom is charging more than $3 not just for Max but for the whole package with several HD channels.
andrzej said:
Excuse me, but this is pure disinformation. Voom is charging more than $3 not just for Max but for the whole package with several HD channels.

I think what rtt2 is saying is that some OTHER providers offer a discount.

For Voom if you have the base $39 (now $49) Voom pack then it is $20 to add HBO then you would have to pay the full $20 for Cinemax, with no discount for having the two bundled together.

Under the old pricing $39.90+$14.90+$14.90=$69.70 (less than the previous $79.90 price for Va Va Voom).

Of course on the new price structure $49.90+$19.90+$19.90 brings you up to the cost of Va Va Voom so it would make sense to get the larger package.

As a $39.90+$19.90 HBO customer I'd probably fork out $3-5/month more for a Cinemax pack, maybe even stretch as high as $79.90/month for Va Va Voom, but for me $89.90/month before box rental and tax crosses some sort of line.

I'd pay more than what I'm paying now for a DVR, but $100/month for TV is a little rich for my blood!

Thank CDH that is what I was trying to get at. Sorry if I wasn't clear.
Yes $89 + box does seem to cross the line. And they also now charge $199 to current voomers if they want a second box for install..."install???", "current customers???", just a little self destructing for voom in letting voomers get more out of the service. Almost like they are trying to discourage additional receivers or upgrading packages. I really dont get it.

doom for voom(ny post) monday we will know

quit voom in june still being billed

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