Probably never hear, any staff that leaks info should be "blacklisted"& civil proceedings brought against them...WOW! So who leaked the list last year? And what's the penalty to staff who do so?
Source & More: latimes.comGet ready to see football coaching superstar Jimmy Johnson in his underwear.
Johnson, 67, says he spent a lot of time on "Survivor: Nicaragua" in his undies because he got tired of being in his wet, smelly clothes.
Source & More:
Yeah, that alone might make this be the first survivor that I skip.Yeah, seeing Jimmy in his tighty-whities is going to want me to watch the show. Not.
Nah, Kelso was a bit smarter.I wouldn't call him Fabio, Kelso maybe
Yeah, last year people were putting the entire boot list in the comments, so if you don't want to be spoiled, don't scroll past the article.Jeff's Blog is up, don't read the comments below as there could be some a-hole with insider info...
Ego's tend to kill the stronger players. If Boston Rob and Russell could have put their ego's aside, they would have ran things. One of the younger players mentioned that.Jeff hit the nail on the head talking about Jimmy T. and the other guy being jealous... I'm rooting for Jimmy and Kelly B. right now... and the older team in general till they merge.