Surrogates (Bruce Willis)

Max Fisher

SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Apr 23, 2007
Has anyone else seen the trailer for Surrogates, starring Bruce Willis? It appears to be this cool sci-fi action flick, sort of along the lines of Matrix or I-Robot. I'm a fan of Bruce Willis, so I think this should be good. [ame=""]SURROGATES trailer in HD Video by Trailer Park Movies - MySpace Video@@AMEPARAM@@[/ame] Anyone else looking forward to this one?
Yea, I was impressed by all the action that was shown in the trailer. Seems like it should be a good action/suspense movie. You haven't read the graphic novel that this movie is based off of, have you? It's written by Robert Venditti, and shares the same title of the movie. I'm glad that they thought this story was worthy if a film adaptation.
My kind of movie ....
Looks good

Sci-fi Movies I Like
Groundhog Day
12 Monkeys
Logans Run
The Matrix
Vanilla Sky
Minority Report
.................. Many more
Hmmm, reading the text accompanying the picture Max posted made me think of the Issac Asimov story "The Naked Sun". I'm checking the iTunes and they have the trailer there (fun to watch on the 40" Toshiba). Having seen the trailer, I'd say it's a much different premise than Asimov's.
I thought the preview was very interesting, and I will have to run see it. It makes you think, it actually seems like it could really happen, people could just run around experiencing the world in perfect robot bodies, while safely at home in a comfortable chair.
Definitely an interesting premise. I really enjoy a good sci-fi flick and this definitely looks like it has the makings of that. I don't know if I like the idea of having a surrogate... it would be cool for a week I guess, but then I would like to go back to actually experiencing things on my own.

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